1 (edited by iatrogenics 2024-06-13 18:12:20)

Topic: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?


I have a  RME UCX Fireface II, and I have done the following, partly by default, and my own intervention, and want to know if my reasoning is correct (I suspect it's highly likely to be awry)?

I have a 2.1 (L+R monitor plus Sub) set up. I've routed the analog outputs of 1/2 on the rear panel of the RME to L+R monitors, and I 'believe' via the standard accommodation of total mixes 'submix' default settings this is hardwired (via default software settings) to stereo output on main? Can some one look at my screen shot and tell me if I'm mistaken https://ibb.co/kKTrL61?

Also if Total mix is hardwired as mentioned via submix how do I get under the hood to pick out 'L' & 'R' speakers separately? As there is no way to differentiate (at least for me) how much signal is going to the Left Monitor and how much signal is going to the Right Monitor, apart from the L/R dial (I appreciate the dial may be the full extent of analysis, but I'd like to be sure)?!

Lastly as the Sub output is routed via hardware output 3, and the standard readout of outputs is 3/4 so I've set outputs 3 and 4 to Mono, and am getting muted sub signal play back, my questions are (a) is my reasoning correct, and (b) how do I get a louder signal to my sub?

Sorry to be an encumbrance, I'm highly new at this, and just got my speakers after a few weeks of running the UCX Fireface - II  off headphones!!!

Thanks in advance, with a degree of postulated trepidation :I

2 (edited by waedi 2024-06-10 14:37:41)

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

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M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

Hello and welcome. I'm also new in the RME/TotalMix world and also using 2.1 set up.

Please, can you share Sub and Speakers make and model? I ask because will be easier advice you about different ways to connect and route your UCX II

UCX II 106/34/104 v1.251 TM1.96 - PC Win11 23H2 / Fedora WS 40 - Reaper 7.22

4 (edited by iatrogenics 2024-06-13 18:18:18)

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

'2.1 Blue Sky' running non standard 'Event 20/20 monitors' by virtue of the '2' and 'Blue Sky Sub' by virtue of the '1'. Left monitor being fed from out put 1, right monitor being fed from out put 2, and sub being fed from output 3, all three outputs of course being from the RME UCX Fireface II.

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

iatrogenics wrote:

'2.1 Blue Sky' running non standard 'Event 20/20 monitors' by virtue of the '2' and 'Blue Sky Sub' by virtue of the '1'. Left monitor being fed from out put 1, right monitor being fed from out put 2, and sub being fed from output 3, all three outputs of course being from the RME UCX Fireface II.

Thanks and my apologies, due to excessive enthusiasm I have been impertinent here. Also sub and speakers have nothing to do with your OP doubts about TotalMix/UCXII. I must read slowly.

iatrogenics wrote:

I have a 2.1 (L+R monitor plus Sub) set up. I've routed the analog outputs of 1/2 on the rear panel of the RME to L+R monitors, and I 'believe' via the standard accommodation of total mixes 'submix' default settings this is hardwired (via default software settings) to stereo output on main? Can some one look at my screen shot and tell me if I'm mistaken https://ibb.co/kKTrL61?

Also if Total mix is hardwired as mentioned via submix how do I get under the hood to pick out 'L' & 'R' speakers separately? As there is no way to differentiate (at least for me) how much signal is going to the Left Monitor and how much signal is going to the Right Monitor, apart from the L/R dial (I appreciate the dial may be the full extent of analysis, but I'd like to be sure)?!

Seems you're right, I have not been able to change Main 1/2 Outputs to Mono via TotalMix in both SUBMIX or FREE modes.

Additionally, I've disconnected the USB cable from my UCXII and tried via Display and CHAN/MIX menu on the front panel following the path Line Out 1/2→Settings→Channel Type and Stereo is locked, no success.

Maybe I'm missing something in the User Manual or RME Staff should help here ...

UCX II 106/34/104 v1.251 TM1.96 - PC Win11 23H2 / Fedora WS 40 - Reaper 7.22

6 (edited by iatrogenics 2024-06-13 21:20:58)

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

Yes I was wondering why you were so inclined as toward my set up 2.1 wise, nonetheless you have explained. Given your latter point I will wait on staffs response. But in terms of the dedicative process of outputs 1/2 how do the outputs get allocated within the software's reckoning to main monitors stereo? Because in my case they're going to two monitors, and I don't know how the software understands this, but as far as the interface is concerned it could be going out to analogue synths etc (or anything else)! The most salient evidence that there is a disconnect between my understanding and that of the software's reckoning, is that when I pan hard left on master channel within my DAW everything goes left 100% and vice versa on the right full pan! So the software's understanding something I'm not, or just by chance I've routed optimally (and a happy accident isn't good enough, I need to know what's going on exactly)!


Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

tonpalt wrote:

Seems you're right, I have not been able to change Main 1/2 Outputs to Mono via TotalMix in both SUBMIX or FREE modes..

There is a manual....and that one shows a panel with options like Mono and Assign...

You missed the small arrow at the bottom left of the Control Room section. Notice its direction pointing outwards left. Click on it...

Matthias Carstens


Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

iatrogenics wrote:

I have a 2.1 (L+R monitor plus Sub) set up. I've routed the analog outputs of 1/2 on the rear panel of the RME to L+R monitors, and I 'believe' via the standard accommodation of total mixes 'submix' default settings this is hardwired (via default software settings) to stereo output on main? Can some one look at my screen shot and tell me if I'm mistaken https://ibb.co/kKTrL61?

Two guys with the same unusual issue - did you both accidentally click on that arrow? Or is there something wrong with TM FX default state? Please comment.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

MC wrote:
tonpalt wrote:

Seems you're right, I have not been able to change Main 1/2 Outputs to Mono via TotalMix in both SUBMIX or FREE modes..

There is a manual....and that one shows a panel with options like Mono and Assign...

You missed the small arrow at the bottom left of the Control Room section. Notice its direction pointing outwards left. Click on it...

Thanks MC

I have read chapter 25.4 Control Room Section on page 64 of the Manual and I have not missed the arrow in the lower left corner where Phones 1 and Main channels are located in TotalMix v1.93

The issue is regarding Settings (wrench icon) in Main channel, the orange Stereo button does not react, it is frozen so Main is not physically separated to 1 and 2. As I have written before "Additionally, I've disconnected the USB cable from my UCXII and tried via Display and CHAN/MIX menu on the front panel following the path Line Out 1/2→Settings→Channel Type and Stereo is locked, no success." so IMHO seems an issue related to Hardware/Firmware.

This also happens on the Phones 1 channel with the difference that I can change to Mono via CHAN/MIX menu on the front panel Display following the path Phones→Settings→Channel Type but the TotalMix view is not updated as it usually happens with any I/Os change in UCXII directly.

FYI my UCXII runs Firmware 106/34/104 and driver v1.250

UCX II 106/34/104 v1.251 TM1.96 - PC Win11 23H2 / Fedora WS 40 - Reaper 7.22


Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

Channels in Control Room are always stereo. Remove them from the Control Room (via Assign) then you can set them to single channels.

Matthias Carstens

11 (edited by iatrogenics 2024-06-14 23:27:25)

Re: TotalMix via UCX Fireface II - Initial speaker set up, please help!?

I was 'aware' of control room, this is where I discerned via assign that speaker output was via analog output 1/2, though my understanding is limited in scope, it's just I'm trying to figure how totalmix knows which of analog 1 and 2 is set to L and R under automatically implemented stereo. That said I have not read the manual in its entirety, though I have watched all prep videos that are automatically ferried to your inbox upon RME purchases.

You said:

"Channels in Control Room are always stereo. Remove them from the Control Room (via Assign) then you can set them to single channels."

My question is can I abridge two single separate channels for main, as in a master bus GUI as the sum of two separate main sliders, as despite your quoted text the analog out on assign only goes to 'analog 1/2' as a single channel option which in fact is composed of analog 1 & 2 rather then the informed option for either 1 or 2 as separate discretionary options. In furtherance what I'm after for the summed GUI is one volume fader for left and another for right monitor, because the master main operates like every master with a single volume fader currently, if not the earlier question of delving into analog 1/2 make up becomes even more pertinent (as I cannot delineate between 1 & 2 I'm stuck with 1/2 where I don't know how left and right is being understood by total mix of analog 1/2 albeit correctly!!!!).

Thank you for putting up with me smile I will now go read the manual on control room.