Topic: BBF Standalone routes AN 3/4 to ADAT 3/4
It appears that the Babyface Pro FS (BBF) in standalone mode routes audio input on (unbalanced) AN 3/4 to ADAT 3/4 output.
I've found no reference to this is the documentation ... I just stumbled on it. I am mapping AN 1/2 to ADAT 1/2 using button sequences on the BBF. There is no way to control or monitor the level of the the AN 3/4 => ADAT 3/4 routing, but it does seem to work at full level.
This behavior is exactly what I need for my setup: a Push 3 Standalone and no PC, with the BBF providing Mic and stereo unbal input from my Keyboard player to the ADAT input of the Push 3S. So the question is:
Is this behavior documented anywhere and will it continue to operate like this in the future? (since I will come to depend on it ...)
WindSynth:Sylphyo Cantabile Ableton Push3S