Topic: midi control of sub mix

I just bought a new Madifx card as I was inder the impression that with the new software having 4 seperate midi ports one could assign each mdi port to a submix. I'm hoping that is the case and I'm just doing something wrong or have my controllers programd wrong. ATM I ha ve to nano contols progammed the same but they come in on two different ports. I can't get them to only control the submix I was hoping to assign them to. Currently they just control what ever submix is selected on screen.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to do seperate control and what I'm doing wrong, Is there any further documentation on how to do this?

cheers Greg

2 (edited by Gregmac 2013-08-16 06:49:37)

Re: midi control of sub mix

I've got two nano controls hooked up. I can only get one to lock to submix 3 and 4 and the other controls all channels. Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?
Just a simple yes or know would be good if anyone has the time. I feel like this might be ataboo question as haven't had any response to this at all.

cheers  Greg


Re: midi control of sub mix

TM FX - Options - Submix linked to...

Matthias Carstens

Re: midi control of sub mix

I tried that but if I select submix 1 and 2 both controllers controll the same thing.

Re: midi control of sub mix

I mean they both control the same submix. Can't seem to be able to get two seperate sub mixes


Re: midi control of sub mix

Open two windows of TM FX and set them differently. Once set correctly save as workspace.

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by Gregmac 2013-08-16 12:16:09)

Re: midi control of sub mix

Ok thankyou very very much Matthias, got it working. It wasn't quite how I was expecting it to work but that is great it will do everything I want aside from perhaps a having up to six midi contollers could be good. I guess I can always use OSC, though I'm trying to keep the studio free of wireless. I thimk some folks have got wired OSC. I find it hard enough getting people to switch off there phones as it is.
Please tell me was that documented somewhere, in a readme or elsewhere on the forum. I'd like to know whether I should have been able to find that on my own. I realize ot's very new so perhaps not.

cheers  Greg

8 (edited by Gregmac 2013-08-16 12:32:56)

Re: midi control of sub mix

After cheking this out a little more there are a couple of things that would make it work even better. Having the option of seperate groups for each mix window. Unfortunately if there is a group, window 1's contoller also controls window 2's. The other thing would be to be able to implement a midi CC on the fly to a group and at the same time that would make the usual CC for those faders involved inactive.
Imagine a scenario where during a session I have drums through a specific set of preamps eq's etc comming in on channels 1 to 10 then guitars on 15 -17, voc 12 etc. At the next session a different set of pres is used for drums, perhaps 1 -5 and 14 to 18. I want to give the musician the easiest possible way to control their monitor mix, which assuming I was using a nanokontrol, was fader 1 drums, fader 2 vocal, fader 3 bass etc.
It would be better not to have to give them all 20 channels to mix themselves, so being able to assign a fader group to a cc on the fly for each mix window, would make it super quick and easy to set up the individual controllers without having to edit the actual nanokontrols.
Not sure if there is another way around this?


Re: midi control of sub mix

Don't worry, the 'Follow Submix' function is documented but hard to understand. Thanks for the other feedback, we will crack our brains on that one.

Matthias Carstens

Re: midi control of sub mix

Is that documented in the manual?


Re: midi control of sub mix

Every single option is.

Matthias Carstens

Re: midi control of sub mix

ok sorry about that, i'll be sure to read it in full. I just didn't see a reference to multiple midi controllers.

cheers  Greg


Re: midi control of sub mix

Of course multiple MIDI controllers is too new to be found in all manuals. I am updating them one after the other now.

Matthias Carstens

Re: midi control of sub mix

Hi Mathias,

due some overloads of work I never got to fully testing the midi control with more than two controllers. Yesterday I hooked up three korg nano controlls and found that I can't get the 3rd one to be active. I know it's working as if I disconect one of the others and rebbot it works fine. All 3 register as ports in totalmix FX and are showing output/input to port in midiox. Rebooting sometimes changes the order of the controllers so sometimes the one not working is different hardware though it always seems to be number 3 port/atatchd to the 3rd submix that is not working. Using a different usb port makes no difference. Assigning it to the 4th submix makes no difference. I am using the latest version of the madiFX driver for windows
The same problem is happening on the mac though I think it was only one port working.

best regards Greg

Re: midi control of sub mix

I'm trying to do something quite simple with my Fireface UCX 2
I want 1 fader on a midi control to set the fader volume level for the Main out
and another fader (on the same midi controller) to set the same track's fader volume but for a different submix (lets say Out 3-4)
Basically exactly how you'd have on an analog mixer 1 track being set either to main out to do an aux out
I tried the Submix link to Midi Controller 1/2/3/4 in TM
I tried the trick to have 2 windows open
But nothing works
It would be helpful to understand exactly which Channel and which CC number is mapped to each thing
if CC 102 is fader volume of track 1 in TM for main submix
what are the channel and CC numbers for the different submix ?
I find it very confusing for something that could be quite simple
thanks for your help