Topic: Routing between 2 RME interfaces
I'm in the urge to create a digital 24 channel Multicore. We have 2 x M32 AD pro, 1 x Digiface AVB, 2 Digiface USB (plus quite some more RME staff, that unfortunately won't help here) and a digital Mixer with several ADAT inputs.
My idea is to use one of the m32 ad pro on stage and connect it with a long Ethernet cable to the Digiface AVB, which is connected to our MacBook. I would also attach one of our Digiface USB to this Mac. From there I could feed the ADAT put of our digital Mixer.
The question now is, how to route the audio from the digiface avi to the digiface USB? Is there a low latency solution for this, or do I have to go through a daw like reaper and logic?