Topic: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "
Has anyone experienced a warning-type notification on their ADI-2 FS DAC? The one I am getting is a yellow warning type symbol appearing on the screen, along with the message "DC Detected Line Deactivated." At the same time, music stops and a steady and very grating tone starts and continues until the unit is turned off.
This is the first time I have experienced this is, in 2 years of use. I immediately shut everything down. Uninstalled, reinstalled all gear in the proper sequence. Started up again, and within about 5 the same tone and notification. Now, I've shut everything down permanently until I can find out what is happening. I have looked over my cable runs to make sure nothing is running closely in parallel or otherwise could be a potential source of stray current. The warning doesn't come immediately when the RME is turned on, but after about 5 minutes of play.
Any information, ideas or advice is grateful appreciated.