1 (edited by Marshall 2024-07-08 21:15:53)

Topic: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "

Has anyone experienced a warning-type notification on their ADI-2 FS DAC?  The one I am getting is a yellow warning type symbol appearing on the screen, along with the message "DC Detected Line Deactivated."  At the same time, music stops and a steady and very grating tone starts and continues until the unit is turned off. 

This is the first time I have experienced this is, in 2 years of use.  I immediately shut everything down. Uninstalled, reinstalled all gear in the proper sequence.  Started up again, and within about 5 minutes...got the same tone and notification.  Now, I've shut everything down permanently until I can find out what is happening.  I have looked over my cable runs to make sure nothing is running closely in parallel or otherwise could be a potential source of stray current.  The warning doesn't come immediately when the RME is turned on, but after about 5 minutes of play.

Any information, ideas or advice is grateful appreciated. 



Re: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "

Current manual, chapter 31.15:


Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by KaiS 2024-07-09 12:38:44)

Re: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "

Marshall wrote:

…I am getting is a yellow warning type symbol appearing on the screen, along with the message "DC Detected Line Deactivated."  At the same time, music stops and a steady and very grating tone starts and continues until the unit is turned off.  …

The warning message and switch-off is a protective feature.
It’s usually triggered by music tracks with large amounts of DC content (something that you don’t want on your expensive speakers or headphones), or even a device’s fault, which can damage ‘phones and speakers.

The “grating” tone is not, and shouldn’t be there.
As it appeared after 2 years of flawless use, something might be broken.

Try another source, e.g. a different computer, or player with digital output.
Does it happen again?

Re: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "

KaiS wrote:
Marshall wrote:

I am getting is a yellow warning type symbol appearing on the screen, along with the message "DC Detected Line Deactivated."  At the same time, music stops and a steady and very grating tone starts and continues until the unit is turned off.  …

The warning message and switch-off is a protective feature.
It’s usually triggered by music tracks with large amounts of DC content (something that you don’t want on your expensive speakers or headphones), or even a device’s fault, which can damage ‘phones and speakers.

The “grating” tone is not, and shouldn’t be there.
As it appeared after 2 years of flawless use, something might be broken.

Try another source, e.g. a different computer, or player with digital output.
Does it happen again?

Re: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "

Kais -  Good News!

Thank you so much for your support.  I was indeed stuck not knowing what to do next; and frankly in a state of fear to move forward before I had more information.  I started substituting devices, taking your lead.

Except for trying Tidal as the source again, I tried every other possible configuration with the equipment I have. All worked as perfectly.  The relief was huge. Dios mia!

The guilty device, seems to be the  "Tidal Approved" streaming end-point device.  The NAD CSI.   At USD $349.00,  I am not totally out of the game.  I'll do some research and see what else is on the market.  I'll allocate more to the device this time.

Wouldn't it be great if RME had such a device!  Even better, how about an entire RME system?  All sources, DAC, pre/power amp and monitors. It would be a hit for sure!

Thanks again.

Re: Warning Notice RME ADI-2 FS DAC "DC Detected Line Deactivated "

I‘m streaming Tidal mainly from an older iPhone.
Small, easy to handle, inexpensive.