Topic: Digiface Dante seen but not Configurable in Dante Controller

HI:  I purchased 2 RME Digiface Dante recently, but I can only get one of them to work.  I have tried connecting via USB as well as ethernet.  Installed the Bridge9999 driver successfully etc.  I have swapped those Dante interfaces (eliminating software errors) to different computers and the result is always the same, the same Digiface can't be configured in Dante Controller, leading me to assume it has to be a hardware issue.  The Device View for the troubled Digiface only has the Status, Device Config and Network Config Tabs, and none of them allow me data entry. Sample rate field displays "Retrieving model info, please wait ..."

The firmware for both interface is 54, and the driver is 3.28

Re: Digiface Dante seen but not Configurable in Dante Controller

Did you figure this out. I just added a second one and was trying to configure.

3 (edited by witelite 2024-07-25 16:42:30)

Re: Digiface Dante seen but not Configurable in Dante Controller

Just to be clearer. I have two Digiface Dantes connected to to separate computers 40 feet apart. My Behringer Wing connects to the dante which when I was using the single computer works great.

I added the second Digiface and tried to configure it in standalone mode. Dante controller sees the original and the WING as well as the new Digiface but it is not configurable like the OP says.

I thought the Dante Digiface could act as a switch (this seems to work as Dante Controller sees the Wing which is connected to the new Dante Digiface in standalone mode) but I wanted to use the new one for more than switching.

Does it need to be connected to the computer to configure? I assume they will work without requiring a MADI cable?




Re: Digiface Dante seen but not Configurable in Dante Controller

IMHO the manual is very clear on stand-alone operation. Page 8 has all the details. There is no other functionality available as described there.

Matthias Carstens