Topic: Is this routing possible with the ADI-2/4 Pro SE?

I'm trying to understand if it's possible to route a signal that is coming from software (in USB mode) to a specific digital output, and then route a different digital input to the analog outputs that I am using for monitoring. I have read the manual but did not see much about configuring sources and destinations for the various inputs and outputs, though it's possible that I misunderstood something.

My use case is to insert an additional digital processor in the monitor chain while monitoring a signal from a DAW or similar, and still use one of the ADI 2/4's analog output pairs for DA conversion before my speakers. The other pairs of AD and DA would be used for pitch/catch through an analog processing chain. All of this is in the context of mastering music.

I have seen the Lynx Hilo configured in this way, and it is ideal for my workflow. I am hoping that the ADI-2/4 can be configured similarly. Does anyone know if this is possible? What am I missing in the manual if so?


Re: Is this routing possible with the ADI-2/4 Pro SE?

'specific digital output' is currently not possible, the signal will always go to all three digital outputs at the same time. The source of all analog outputs can be freely configured in AD/DA mode, but then the USB signal will no longer reach digital outputs. This should be easy to grasp from the block diagrams that clearly shows the source selectors.

So it seems the multi-routing that you have in mind is not possible -  one loop too much.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Is this routing possible with the ADI-2/4 Pro SE?

Thanks for the quick response. I see, those block diagrams are helpful. I must have missed those somehow the first time around!

That said, I wonder if there are errors on the block diagrams? For example, the diagrams on page 42 and 43 (both for USB mode) both show the TS outputs as always having the same source as the XLR outputs. I was under the impression that a unique advantage of the ADI-2/4 over the rest of the ADI range was the ability to feed each of those pairs of analogue outputs from different DACs. Am I misunderstanding the diagrams, or the capabilities of the device, or perhaps both?


Re: Is this routing possible with the ADI-2/4 Pro SE?

That feature is a global option and does not depend on the Basic Modes. It would have made all block diagrams unnecessarily clumsy when added there. You can see it in the block diagram chapter 34.29.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Is this routing possible with the ADI-2/4 Pro SE?

Got it. Thanks again!

It does seem that the workflow I was hoping to enable isn't quite possible as things stand today. I don't know whether it's something that could be implemented in a firmware update or not? I would imagine that fully flexible routing could be useful in a few other scenarios as well.