1 (edited by darrenaudioguy 2024-07-11 22:52:38)

Topic: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Hi folks, I've just upgraded from a UCX to UFX3 and I'm having trouble with the WDM.

In the WDM setup page I'm not seeing a drop-down to select the WDM number, and selecting an IO in the WDM list does not subsequently create WDM entry (it's blank/unchecked when I go back into the list).

Seems quite odd, I didn't have an issue with the UCX.

I completely uninstalled the UCX drivers etc before adding the new UFX3.

Running windows10 - anyone got any tips or know of any gotchas with this stuff?

So, to be clear, picking an entry inside the WDM Devices 'configure' does not produce a new WDM entry to point windows at.


2 (edited by ramses 2024-07-12 08:40:53)

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

The UFX III needs another driver, not the "old" USB driver for UC, UCX, etc .. but the MADIface driver, this one:
https://rme-audio.de/downloads/driver_m … _09843.zip
Which one did you install?

Do you see the UFX III in Windows device manager?

Do you use an USB Hub or is the device directly connected to the PC? If hub, then please connect it to the PC directly.

Did you try all USB3 ports? USB3 ports from (Intel/AMD) chipset are compatible and should always work. Also some additional 3rd party USB3 controller work well. Best is to try them all.

Did you try another USB3 cable or can you connect to another computer?

Which computer do you have? Laptop or desktop (model / mainboard, CPU, link to mainboard)?
Then it could be possible to check in parallel, which USB3 connections / USB controller are built-in.

What you could also check on the UFX III:
Check that "setup -> options -> Interface mode" is set to "Auto".
If that doesn't work for whatever reason try USB3.
Note, this can only be changed if USB is disconnected from the PC.

I also have an UFX III connected to Windows 10 22H2, this should be no problem at all.

Once the latest ASIO driver is installed successfully and the device is recognized by Windows you should also upgrade the Firmware to the latest version: https://rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_madiface_win.zip

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

3 (edited by darrenaudioguy 2024-07-12 13:42:36)

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Wow, thank you for your very comprehensive and helpful reply!

I have updated the UFX III with the latest firmware and also removed all traces of the UCX from my system before installing the proper UFX III drivers.

The unit is connect directly to the desktop PC and I used the USB cable the shipped with it. It is showing in Device Manager as you illustrated and the ASIO works just fine.

The machine has the following spec:
CPU - Intel Core i9 11900K

I will look into all your suggestions and see if I can get it to work properly.

Many thanks again.

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

What is the problem then? Only "no WDM driver"?
Can't you select them in driver settings or what is the problem?
Can you pls deliver a screenshot or a small video showing the issue?


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

5 (edited by darrenaudioguy 2024-07-13 10:04:40)

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

When I go into the 'configure' window and select an IO, then go into 'speaker' and check that as well, hit OK.. Nothing happens. No new WDM entry is created, nothing appears in windows. In fact, when I go back into the configure window, the items I had selected are now un-checked.

I did not have this difficulty with the UCX at all, which leads me to think I have a faulty unit.


Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

That setting is not stored in the unit but in Windows Registry. So the issue seems to be with the computer. Does that Settings dialog remember any other setting?

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Hi, yes all the other settings there seem to get stored fine (Buffer size, IO types etc etc).


Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

And your driver version is?

BTW, removing the UCX driver was not necessary. We have 6 drivers under Windows that are all installed all the time on any of the developer machines, no matter what is actually used or connected. That never made a problem. And there is no reason why it should cause one.

Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by darrenaudioguy 2024-07-15 21:18:05)

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Heres a snapshot of the details

Regarding the UCX driver, this is good to know thanks.


Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Toggle the Lock Registry option. Maybe this one is corrupt and needs to be reset.

Matthias Carstens


Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

You could also have a look into the registry and check the values stored there. Do a search for NoRegistryWrite, it should bring you to the Device Parameters key of UCX II and UFX III. Default is 0 aka off.

Matthias Carstens

12 (edited by darrenaudioguy 2024-07-16 22:18:36)

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

I toggled this Registry lock on/off and also checked that Registry value which was set to 0 already so unfortunately this didn't help.

I tried the UFXIII on a different computer and the WDM works fine there, so certainly a problem with my main DAW interfacing correctly with the UFXIII.

13 (edited by Labdoc 2024-07-18 10:59:17)

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Same issue here, now fixed. The fix was to move the UFX+ and ADI-2 pro fs be to different ports on the Sonnet USB card and then reboot. The card is Sonnett Allegro Pro Type A USB 3.2 Gen 2. The PC is Win 11 pro. RME drivers and Firmware are current versions. Using Uwe Sieber's free utility, USB Device Tree Viewer, the UFX is on Hub Port 1 now and ADI-2 on Hub Port 4

Additional info: That was a transient solution that only lasted until rebooting. A simpler, but also transient, solution is to unplug the UFX+, delete the related SB entry in Nirsoft's USBDeview, reboot and replug the UFX+. It works for a session until next rebooting.

ADI-2 pro fs be; UFX+; MADIfaceUSB; Startech active USB3 cable; Sonnet Allegro Pro adapter; Win11x64

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

Labdoc wrote:

Same issue here, now fixed. The fix was to move the UFX+ and ADI-2 pro fs be to different ports on the Sonnet USB card and then reboot. The card is Sonnett Allegro Pro Type A USB 3.2 Gen 2. The PC is Win 11 pro. RME drivers and Firmware are current versions. Using Uwe Sieber's free utility, USB Device Tree Viewer, the UFX is on Hub Port 1 now and ADI-2 on Hub Port 4

Additional info: That was a transient solution that only lasted until rebooting. A simpler, but also transient, solution is to unplug the UFX+, delete the related SB entry in Nirsoft's USBDeview, reboot and replug the UFX+. It works for a session until next rebooting.

Did you find a robust solution finally?

Re: UFX3 not showing/creating WDM

>> Did you find a robust solution finally? <<
No, unfortunately. However, I have not spent any time troubleshooting.

ADI-2 pro fs be; UFX+; MADIfaceUSB; Startech active USB3 cable; Sonnet Allegro Pro adapter; Win11x64