Topic: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

Can I use my RME PCIe HDSPe AES with the Arvus H1-D Arvus H1-D ?
I have 16 Genelec HP connected to the outputs and would like to use the H1-D to decode Atmos Stream and blu-ray True HD Atmos (i'm on Windows).
If this setup is compatible, what is the best way to achieve it?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

2 (edited by waedi 2024-12-08 15:20:19)

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

This box has only HDMI input, the hdspe AES has no HDMI output, so no, it won't work, you may need to buy a special graphics card with HDMI output.

What do you mean with decode Atmos ?

Do you want to split the Atmos sound into its source tracks ? Then you need another computer with a Dante interface for recording the Dante from H1-D.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

I've got an hdmi output on my pc.
Sending sound is not a problem.
The problem is, will i be able to route the decoded atmos flux to the RME ?
I just want to listen decoded Atmos on my setup
Sorry for my english, i'm an old french man :rolleyes

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

Do you have a room with Atmos loudspeaker setup and Atmos Receiver ?

The hdspe AES can not receive Atmos from the H1-D.
The H1-D offers a stereo downmix over cinch SPDIF, this can send to the hdsp AES but this is not useful and not what you want.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

waedi wrote:

Do you have a room with Atmos loudspeaker setup and Atmos Receiver ?

Yes I have but no decoder.
At present time i rip thrue HD Atmos and convert it to wav. then i can play them on my system.
what i want is:
PC or TV send Atmos flux via a splitter to the Arvus decoder, the Arvus decode the flux, and then i want to get the 16 channels on to my RME card to play it on my Genelc speakers.

6 (edited by waedi 2024-12-08 17:45:52)

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

No way. Your setup needs a Dante interface.
But then to bring the sound from the Dante interface into the hdsp AES this is another story.
If the two interface using the same driver then it is possible to do. There is a hdspe Dante card coming (HDSPe AoX-D) but it is not yet ready.

The H1-D does not work with your setup.

The M-32 DA Pro II-D can take the Dante signal and give it out to all your speakers analog, not digital AES.

There is one device that can convert Madi to AES, the ADI-6432, additional to that you need a Dante to Madi converter.
The Digiface Dante can do this standalone.

ADI-6432 plus Digiface Dante plus some special cables D-sub to XLR let you connect all the speakers via AES and the H1_D to play the Atmos sound directly from the computer HDMI output.

A bit expensive but it would work.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

I was thinking about something like that:

8 (edited by waedi 2024-12-09 15:49:16)

Re: RME PCIe HDSPe AES with Arvus H1-D (Dante protocol)

stvigier wrote:

I was thinking about something like that:

ah ok, why not try out.
Connect the Dante from the H1-D to the ethernet port of the computer and hope the virtual Dante soundcard can pick up the Dante channels and forward those to the output channels of the computer audio interface hdsp AES, then the signals could get routed to the speakers.

I have no idea if that works, but it is cheap and if you have time, then try out.

This is a working link :

From watching this Youtube
it looks good, the virtual soundcard is an ASIO device and a DAW can receive the streams.
If the computer can work with two ASIO interfaces at the same time then you will be able to forward the signals to Totalmix.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue