Topic: HDSPe clicks/pops - W7 64bit 3.08.2
I'm getting clicks and pops during normal cpu load functioning , on:
W7, 64bit, 8GB RAM, fully updated/flashed driver/card HDSPe PCIe.
Often happens when Gigastudio4 is open at SAME time as Cubase5, though NOT always (can be just when Cubase5 is used).
Does this imply applications are *trying* to gain control of the audiocard at the same time as another?
If so, how do I set the programs to NOT attempt to do this?
The above system can easily cope with normal loads, and indeed no clicks/pops were heard during running this system in Vista.
Both Cub5/GS4 run perfectly in this environs, aside from the clicks/pops.
Any thoughts please? Or need for a new driver to solve this?