Topic: 3x HDSP9652 for 72 channels
hello all
I had 1 HDSP9652 already, bought last week another, works fine together, got the latest driver installed 8.083
now this weekend, bought nr. 3, first I thought it's working, but now I want the full 72 channels, the nr3 seems
not working correct, from this card only adat 1 i/o is working adat2 not at all and adat3 only input is working
did not have wordclock cabel connect on nr3 but light of wcin is on.
and there is no red light on adat3 out.
strange, thought before that it was working, but I checked only adat1 in combination of the other 2.
would it be a hardware problem, in other words, nr 3 is broken? or could it be a software problem?