Topic: Should I Update?
I just purchased my FF 800 a few days ago and installed the drivers etc from the included disc onto my new Mac Pro . The version number of the drivers that came with it is 2.62.
I've been on this forum looking at the threads and post, and some users that updated to 2.66 on a Mac Pro aren't very happy with the results. I also see a lot of the users have Logic as their main DAW, and maybe this combination of FF 800 drivers, Snow Leopard OS, and Logic just isn't working smooth right now . My main DAW was Pro Tools LE, but now on my new Mac Pro I record and mix in Propellerhead's Record as my main recording workstation. I don't know if that'll make a difference but I was curious to know if I should update to 2.66 or just stay where I'm at until all these issues get resolved. I do realize that 2.66 has quite a few bug fixes that may be necessary to get the best out of the FF 800, but to tell you the truth, I don't want any headaches. Please help.