Topic: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively


I have the opportunity to use a FF800 a friend owns

but he said that the FF800 was configured for his PC.

I would like to use it with my Macbook (Max OS X 10.6) without having to change anything about his FF is setup.

Will this be possible or does the FF800 have to be configured for either Mac or PC (Win)

Thanks a lot if someone can answer this.

Re: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively

Will this be possible or does the FF800 have to be configured for either Mac or PC (Win)

No, the Fireface 800 works on both systems. Only the driver and the flash update program are OS specific.

best regards

Re: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively


thanks for the reply

Does this mean I have to flash update the device each time I want to either use it with the mac and then the pc and the reverse ?

If so there is an operation to be done on the device which I would rather avoid


Re: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively

There is no need to flash the unit. The firmware is cross-platform.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

5 (edited by resume 2010-07-07 12:39:48)

Re: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively

Thanks a lot

So if I understand right I can just unplug it from the pc and plug it into the mac (after having installed the mac drivers) ?

Re: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively

Correct. Best to switch it off and on during the changeover. And if you want to be on the safe side, avoid hot-plugging.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

7 (edited by resume 2010-07-07 13:09:55)

Re: Using a FF800 with a Mac and a PC alternatively

I will

thanks a lot !