AN1/2 has no signal. If i play a song on my computer then I get signal to AN1/2 on the bottom row.
Input AN 1/2 (1st row) is not routed to output 1/2 (3rd row) - only to output 3/4 (Ph 3/4). The routing in TotalMix is much more powerful, but little bit different, than in other mixers. In a classic mixer you set a volume in an input channel and route it with this level two busses (e.g. main + phones). Both busses get always the same volume level. If you change the level of the input channel, both busses get still the same changed signal.
But not in TotalMix. Every output can get it´s own individual level from all inputs and software channels. This means every input/software playback channel can send a different volume level to every output. If you change the volume for the first output, the volume for the second output remains unchanged. To see the volume level, the output gets, just click on it in the "Submix" routing view (right upper corner of TotalMix). If you click in your mixer on output AN 1/2 you see the volume of input AN 1/2 set to off, but the volume of software playback channel AN 1/2 (2nd row) to 0 dB (or less).
You can see the different volume levels for different outputs as small orange arrows by clicking on the Trim Button (off levels were not shown!).
To send the signal from input AN 1/2 to output AN 1/2 just select the output in the 3rd row and raise the volume fader of the input channel:
- click on "Submix" in the View Options (upper right)
- select (click) output AN 1/2 in the 3rd row - the channel color gets brighter (click O-Names in the view options to see the routing in the Control Room Section)
- check the volume of the input channels AN 1/2: set the volume to your desired value (double click the fader to set it to 0 dB)
Please watch our tutorial videos on the RME Youtube channel. Start with this video: … plW9OtTBYw
best regard