Topic: Babyface hates my AKG K702 headphones!?..

Hello! smile

I am experiencing a problem when using my AKG K702 headphones with the headphone output on the Babyface itself (not the one on the breakout cable). It seems like it doesn't connectgood. The sound sometimes stops, or plays at a lower volume, or only one of the two channels play. If I move a bit the connector, sometimes I find a spot that makes it work again good. And sometimes, when working good, if the audio contains a high volume bass frequency, the same problems start again. The headphone output on the breakout cable has none of these problems!

And the most confusing part is that:
- I have tried the same headphones with a different adaptor and still the same problem
- I have tried the same headphones connected to other inputs (other audio card, hifi, etc) and there is no problem at all
- I have tried the babyface headphone output on the unit with other headphones (like AKG K270*) and there is no problem at all

So.. what is the problem? Why Babyface doesn't like my K702?

* AKG K270: impedance 75 Ohm, sensivity 92 dB/mW
AKG K702: impedance 62 Ohm, sensivity 105 dB/V


Re: Babyface hates my AKG K702 headphones!?..

Connection problems. Ever tried to clean the connector of the headphone? Alcohol might be enough, else a very smooth/fine chrome polish could do the trick.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface hates my AKG K702 headphones!?..

I think it is not a connection problem since:
1) the same headphones work with no problems when connected to the headphone output of the breakout cable
2) the same headphones work with no problems with all my other gear

So, one would think that there is something wrong with the heaphone output on the babyface itself.. but again, all my other headphones work well with that output..

I am puzzled!... What could be the problem!??

Re: Babyface hates my AKG K702 headphones!?..

I have not still found a solution to my problem.. My AKG K702 work perfectly with everything except the Babyface! .. And I was wrong.. the problems exist in both the headphone output on the Babyface and the breakout cable.

Has anybody a pair of K702? Could you please check them and tell me if they work fine with the Babyface? Thank you!