1 (edited by Zavieri 2011-02-05 04:33:58)

Topic: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

The UFX lacks a very common feature of a digital mixer as the bus. The price is similar to well known digital mixers like 01v96 so it would be nice to have adequate features.
There are some situations when compression in desired on a group of signals. To do it now you need to make outboard connection - Mix to a output, apply compression,  make a cable connection between the output and input, using the I/O capabilities and loosing quality on DA and AD conversion.

I think that adding a "DSP Loopback" button for the outputs could be a solution. When such a button was pressed the signal would be routed to a virtual channel strip in totalmix. Resource wise it would not take much memory of the DSP as it would need to store a single sample for each bus, and make it available as an input (first row of totalmix).

Fireface-UFX, Mac OSX 10.6, Logic 9, BCF2000, AC-7 user, vocalist, live sound recording

Re: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

Zavieri wrote:

The UFX lacks a very common feature of a digital mixer as the bus. The price is similar to well known digital mixers like 01v96 so it would be nice to have adequate features.
There are some situations when compression in desired on a group of signals. To do it now you need to make outboard connection - Mix to a output, apply compression,  make a cable connection between the output and input, using the I/O capabilities and loosing quality on DA and AD conversion.

I think that adding a "DSP Loopback" button for the outputs could be a solution. When such a button was pressed the signal would be routed to a virtual channel strip in totalmix. Resource wise it would not take much memory of the DSP as it would need to store a single sample for each bus, and make it available as an input (first row of totalmix).

Are you talking about the loopback feature? This takes an output and loops it to the input internally in totalmix?


Re: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

The price is similar to well known digital mixers like 01v96 so it would be nice to have adequate features.

I' am sure 01v96 users will agree.

Mix to a output, apply compression,  make a cable connection between the output and input, using the I/O capabilities and loosing quality on DA and AD conversion.

Loopback does it internally without AD/DA (see page 73 of the manual).

best regards


Re: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

No, he is talking about DSP FX on a mixdown, which does not work with the internal Loopback as this one is not going back to the mixer's input but only to the recording software... :roll

Of course an ADAT loop would remove the AD/DA.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

Actually I use both adat and aes ports almost all the time...

After all I think it would be better to make something like 4 additional virtual outputs connected to additional virtual inputs, "dsp loopback" button on the outputs would use the precious I/O.

Fireface-UFX, Mac OSX 10.6, Logic 9, BCF2000, AC-7 user, vocalist, live sound recording

Re: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

What did the product manager say about that feature?

Fireface-UFX, Mac OSX 10.6, Logic 9, BCF2000, AC-7 user, vocalist, live sound recording


Re: Feature request, bus architecture UFX DSP

Not possible.

Matthias Carstens