Topic: New AIO Latencies

I just got my new HDSPe AIO (driver 3.08.5) on a clean install of windows 7 64bit with Cubase. I am on autosync spdif optical in/out to my Lucid AD/DA converters. In the device manager in Cubase my latencies are as follows. Low latencies are double what my old Hammerfall 9632 are.

AIO Buffer Setting             Cubase device manager
32                                      1.604 in
                                         2.313 out
                This is more than my old hammerfall 9632 at a 64buffer. Weird.

64                                      2.271 in
                                         2.979 out

128                                    3.604

256                                    6.271

512                                   11.604
                     Here at 512 they start to be more true to the actual ms setting on the RME with the extra 32 on the out side

1024                                 22.271     
                      Here they are actually lower than the RME ms setting. Very confusing.

2048                                43.604

So what's happening at the lower latencies up to through to 256? These are at 48k. Is this right? Am I missing something? At a 32 buffer setting shouldn't I be showing 0.7ms in and 1.4 out?
I also tried this on another hard drive with Windows 32bit installed so I could compare to my old Hammerfall 9632. The old card read out the same ms in Cubase as shown on the card itself. This is what I am used to seeing. So at a 64 buffer setting Cubase read 1.5 in and out. The AIO was the same as above. Doubled! What's going on. Help yikes)


Re: New AIO Latencies

You missed the chapter in the manual about Latencies (30.2), and that this card has analog I/O.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by DivingIn 2011-02-15 20:13:46)

Re: New AIO Latencies

Hi Matthias and thanks for the reply,
I read that section of the manual but I am unfortunately still very confused.
1.So even though I'm not using the analogue ins and outs on the AIO (they are not connected) their latency is reading out in cubase?

2.That is the reason for the doubling in reported low latencies between my old hammerfall 9632 and my new AIO?

3.Why are the latencies at 512 and above matching my old hammerfall 9652 readouts in cubase then?

4.Is the latency of my Lucid external conversion adding to that readout or ignored?

5.With my old Hammerfall 9652 these AD/DA conversion latencies described in section 30.2 which were happening externally at the Lucids were not being reported then and now with the new AIO they are? Is that why the card ms and cubase ms used to match?



Re: New AIO Latencies

1. Of course. You can not hear without analog, and ASIO does not support more than one value. So we have to take the one that makes most sense.

2. Yes.

4. If you use the digital I/O with an external converter the numbers are not fully correct, but better then to use fully wrong (only digital) numbers.

5. You never noticed that your tracks do not fully align before, so you better forget all this, as it has not much relevance in real world...

Matthias Carstens