Topic: Annoying High Pitch - Dependend On Buffersize (smaller = higher Pitch)
i've got an HDSP AIO with serial #22906596.
With a lot of work and testing, i've managed to get rid of noises and buzzez (sort of: "i can hear my computer working"), but finnaly i don't know, why it isn't there anymore fryingpan
But i'm happy, this problem is solved.
But i have still very high pitched Noises (XLR Breakout to HS80M). The Pitch is between F and F Sharp, and it corresponds to the BUFFERSIZE. If i select 32 samples, it's so fu**in annoying high and loud, it i select 64 its stil, loud and annoying but an octave higher pitched... finally at around 2048 samples, the pitch is so low, that i can't hear it. But i don't bought a RME AIO to mess around with such latencys.
Has it something to do, with the "Noise Mod" ? My Serial is #22906596, admin plz tell me.
And if not, how can i get rid of this problem ?