Topic: RME DIGI96/8 card 'disappeared'
Hi everyone,
After successfully transferring +/- 160 DAT tapes using Wavelab 5 on Windows XP 32bits over the last year, something strange happened to me yesterday as I tried to transfer another one: suddenly, all of the 4 DIGI96/8 In (x+x)(x) entries under Wavelab's Preferences -> Audio Card -> Live Input / Recording were gone. Previously, I was able to record the signal from my DAT player through DIGI96/8 In (1+2)(1) without any problem, while the MME driver of my other audio card (a Terratec Aureon) was selected on the playback side.
Now, only the RME's ASIO driver is available on the Playback side, which then turns into Playback / Recording when the ASIO driver is selected. The right part of Preferences (Live Input / Recording) is then greyed out ad recording is possible.
As for DigiCheck (4.53), it throws a Device Opening Error warning as follows "Opening audio device: Invalid device selected or no device available".
I would very much like to revert to the previous setup, as it would allow me to capture audio from the DAT player and then replay files from within Wavelab without having to re-open Preferences. I have tried re-installing the card's latest drivers (, to no avail of course.
Many thanks in advance for your help which will be greatly appreciated!