Topic: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises


I have connected an ADI-2 to a 9632 via coaxial (AES/EBU) and optical.
Both connections play sound. BUT:
both are also playing constant clicking noises in a ~1sec rhythm as well!
I tried to change buffers in 9632's options and in the players I'm using.
Nothing! The rhythmic clicking doesn't disappear.
If I listen directly through the 9632 everything's fine.
The clicking only occurs through ADI-2, no matter what connection.
There are not too many options to choose from in the software and on ADI-2.
I set Vista to a different primary device and disabled system sounds in Vista and XP.
Nothing helps.

Can't find anything helpful on the forums - here or elsewhere.
Please, please help.
ADI-2's sound seems to be very convincing otherwise...


Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Clocking seems to be set wrong. What are your settings in the HDSP settings app and the front panel of the ADI-2? Do you have connections for Out and In between the ADI and HDSP?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by Eunegis 2011-04-21 20:48:36)

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Hammerfall settings shows 44,1 (due to settings in the player - Hammerfall adjusts automatically).
ADI-2 ist set to 44,1 as well - but its blinking...
I have both in and out connected on both devices (kind of crosswise: red is out in the RO968 breakout but out as well on the ADI-2).

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Your reply does not answer the question completely, but it seems like you have both devices running as Master clock. Set the ADI-2 to sync to input instead. The flashing LED indicates clocking setup is wrong.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

I've set 9632 to Clock Mode AutoSync.
That alone makes me expect to let it adjust automatically as a master or slave, just as needed.
I don't know how to set ADI-2's clock behaviour. There is no such switch. I believe its always a master.
Both devices are st to professional AES/EBU protocol, but consumer doesn't make a difference.
By the way: clicking speed is faster than 1/sec, probably 4/sec.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Hold on - I've made it, I guess!
Set ADI-2 to let the right upper lamp of the clock settings shine alone. It doesn't blink.
But I don't really understand it. I intended to use the ADI-2 as a master.
Doesn't that mean right now that the 9632 is the master (if synced to input it is in my emagination synced to 9632's clock)?

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Just to be sure. If you want the ADI to be master you also need a connection from the ADI digital out to the HDSP in.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

8 (edited by Eunegis 2011-04-21 21:43:01)

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Yes Vincent, that's the case: I've connected both ins and outs adequately (if 9632 -> ADI-2 were connected wrong there would be no sound, so ADI-2 -> 9632 must be connected right, and both directions ARE connected).

I'm using coax at the moment, so it should be AES/EBU automatically, right?! There's no switch to choose from in that regard.
And with AES/EBU using the ADI-2 as a master should be advantageous (at least in theory).
But is ADI-2 the master right now? What would tell me it REALLY is if 9632 is set to AutoSync, but ADI-2 is set to sync to input?

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

HDSP 9632
SPDIF In: Coaxial
SPDIF Out: nothing selected
Clock Mode: Autosync
Pref. Sync Ref.: SPDIF In

ADI-2 set clock to 44.1 or 48 kHz, use DS or QS to multiply for higher clock rates.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Yes Jeff, did that.
Looks like it works now.

Why has ticking Professional in SPDIF out (9632) no noticable effect?
I thought it should be the same as in ADI-2.

And what about the AES/EBU function?
Is it automatically used by ADI-2?
If I tick it in 9632 the 9632 becomes master.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

All is explained in the manual. You are using SPDIF, not AES/EBU.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Okay, reread it.

How can I use AES/EBU with ADI-2 as a master then?
Can't find anything concerning that in the manual.

Only 9632 as a master seems to provide AES/EBU, as far as I can extract it.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

I think you may be a bit confused about the digital formats. SPDIF and AES/EBU are essentially the same, except SPDIF uses unbalanced cable and AES/EBU uses balanced cable. Also, AES/EBU runs at a higher output voltage.

Since both the 9632 and ADI-2 natively support optical SPDIF, coaxial SPDIF, and ADAT, just use one of these. There would be absolutely no benefit to AES/EBU over any of these other formats.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

14 (edited by Eunegis 2011-04-22 10:17:12)

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

I understand that AES/EBU is kind of a subcategory of SPDIF, providing additional information or capabilities.
In theory there should be an advantage using AES/EBU - in real world I don't know yet.
But I wanted to try it.

In the manuals (e.g. ADI-2: page 9) there is explained, as far as I understand it, how to use the cinch connections of the ADI-2 together with balanced output of the 9632. I conclude that even though the inlets of the ADI-2 look like being unbalanced cinch connections they can accept balanced AES/EBU from the 9632 if I use RME's digital brakeout cables (e.g. RO968), even though on the RO968 its cinch-outs are used: I expect the pin-connections of the 9-pole DIN plug of the RO968 to be set in such a way that a balanced AES/EBU signal can be sent from 9632 to ADI-2 using cinch out on RO968 (at least thats my understanding of the pin-usage explanation on page 9 of the ADI-2 manual).
That had been confirmed by Matthias in this forum (see

Otherwise I'd need an adapter XLR->cinch from 9632 to ADI-2 which I would have to build myself paying attention to the pin-usage explanations on page 9 of ADI-2's manual for sending AES/EBU from 9632 via RO968 (using its XLR line) to ADI-2 (using its cinch input).

I'm trying to understand it at the moment. If all that will be beneficial is another discussion that I don't mean to have here.


Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

In the manuals (e.g. ADI-2: page 9) there is explained, as far as I understand it, how to use the cinch connections of the ADI-2 together with balanced output of the 9632.

This information in the manual is provided to allow use of the ADI-2 with a device that has AES/EBU only. Since the diagram is showing you how to make an adapter to change balanced AES/EBU to unbalanced SPDIF, you might as well just use SPDIF to begin with.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: 9632+ADI-2 - rhythmic clicking noises

Yes, connecting through plain SPDIF is what I did. Works.
But my intention is to use ADI-2 as a master and connect to the slave using AES\EBU.
Can I conclude that this is not possible (with ADI-2 and 9632)?