Topic: HDSPe AIO firmware update and freezing programs
Hi there
I have a new HDSPe AIO that I would like to use on my new PC with an Intel DH67BL running Win 7 Home Premium.
I have downloaded newest driver and installed it. Device manager is responding ok without any strange things.
HD PCIe FUT, v2.21 tells me that I have Hardware Revision HDSPe AIO, Rev 11. I have a feeling that this is the FIRMWARE version. It also tells me that Programming Status: Not updated. The readme file says that HDSPe AIO Rev. 12 is the next version. So an update sound good to me. But when pressing the Update button the FUT program freezes - no progress bar. It is only killed manually through Windows.
Hammaerfall DSP setting program starts ok but when I try to reach the About section the program freezes like the FUT program did.
Is my new card on the way to Germany or is there something I can do to make it work?