Topic: UFX under Logic OSX Lion. I can't get any sound from the mic in Logic
Hi, probably it is something that I'm doing wrong, but is driving my a bit crazy. I've searched the forums but didn't find any answer (what makes me think again that it is my fault).
I received my UFX Yesterday. Updated it and everything works fine, until I try to record my violin with logic. I plug the mic into the first pre (input 9). I get signal from TotalMix (even I've recorded myself to an USB stick using DURec), but no sound comes from logic, and the meters don't move. I selected Input 9 in the channel, and tried with the rest of the inputs, but nothing. Then, I plugged my electric violin to Input 10 and the same. Also, I tried to configure Guitar Rig in standalone mode to see if it was a problem just with Logic, but it also happened with GR. Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your attention.