Topic: loopback feature workaround
Dear RME forum,
I have been trying to use the loopback feature to record audio from one application to another (ie i-tunes into reaper). I have tried following all the relevant posts on the forum but can't get it working.
For now, to simply get round this problem I have hard wired analogue out puts 3+4 to free inputs (7+8 on my system). Something I used to do successfully,before I was aware of Loopback feature, on my old RME multiface card.
In the fireface mixer I route audio to outputs 3+4, I see clearly there is output on both channels and expect to see this at inputs 7+8. However, I only seem to receive the right channel (channel 8).
I have checked outputs 3+4 play out through speakers and that 7+8 function properly when receiving an external signal. I've checked cables and tried other inputs (always the left input isn't there).
I've been looking at the circuit diagrams trying to work out why this could logically be happening but can't work it out.
My set up is as follows:
Mac Book Pro Core 2 Duo
Fireface400 (D32) v2.93 1.70 hardware updates
Fireface mixer (I notice under applications TotalMix but can't open it up - should I use Totalmix instead of fireface mixer?)
Any help would be much appreciated