Topic: Totalmix Preset control problem
I recently have lost control of Totalmix from my Novation Remote SL from the push buttons. This has worked for me flawlessly in the past. I am not wanting much of control from Totalmix from my controller. Just 3 preset controls, DIM, mono, talkaback and the output faders in row 3. I just need the presets for monitor control. That's it. I recently updated to the latest version of Totalmix and this seems to have changed my control.
My system:
Mac Pro Dual-Core Intel Xeon 2GHZ x2
FF800 with FWv2.77 Totalmix 2.97
My Novation is connected via USB. The FF800 is connected via Fire wire 400 connection. When I first received my FF800 I set up the buttons according to pg.80 of my manual on Simple MIDI control I need to use note messages on ch.1 to control the preset and DIM,mono functions etc. This worked just fine before. To control the faders I need to start at CC102 on ch.8. The faders still work great no problems. Now for some reason the buttons no longer control the presets and other functions. I do have the velocity set to 127. If I use the keyboard on the controller with the same notes I can control these functions. When looking at the MIDI data in Snoize the only difference I see is that the keyboard message has a Note OFF velocity value.
I have tried searching the forums here before posting so I apologize if this has been covered. From what I found the Note ON velocity needs to be 127. I made sure this is the case. I made a short screen capture video to show that I am sending the exact same message but the button just doesn't send the note off velocity more than 0. The keybed does. …
I have tried connecting my FF800 to a MBP with my Novation controller as well with the same results. Presets only change with a Note OFF velocity value.
I am sure it must be something I am overlooking. I would appreciate any advice.
Thank you