Topic: Midicontrol of total mix presets


I'm trying to figure out if you can set presets of total mix with a midi controller, but i cannot find any documentation on how the midi mapping works. As far as i can tell from triggering the presets in total mix itself nothing happens, but that obviously doenst mean much because it could just be a receive and not sending midi.

Is there a pdf with the mapping, or at least how can i triggere a preset change in total mix?




Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

That information is in the manual, Chapter TotalMix, Simple MIDI Control.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Thanks a ton Matthias. Gonna test it out straight away.

Btw for those lookin for the same thing here's what the manual says about it:

on midi channel 1.

note in hex/dec/name

Preset 1: 36 / 54 / #F 2
Preset 2: 37 / 55 / G 2
Preset 3: 38 / 56 / #G 2
Preset 4: 39 / 57 / A 2
Preset 5: 3A / 58 / #A 2
Preset 6: 3B / 59 / B 2
Preset 7: 3C / 60 / C 3
Preset 8: 3D / 61 / #C

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Unfortunatly it does not seem to be working. Ive specified the correct midi input device. And im sending the correcte note on message (note 54 & 55 to select preset 1 & 2) yet nothing happens. I've verified the midi info is coming through correctly to other applications on the right channel etc.

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Interestingly i do get the faders to work correctly with cc messages. so its def. not my midi.


Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

The manual you look into is outdated. Correct values:

    Preset 1: 36 / 54 / #F 3
    Preset 2: 37 / 55 / G 3
    Preset 3: 38 / 56 / #G 3
    Preset 4: 39 / 57 / A 3
    Preset 5: 3A / 58 / #A 3
    Preset 6: 3B / 59 / B 3
    Preset 7: 3C / 60 / C 4
    Preset 8: 3D / 61 / #C 4

Also make sure Mackie Protocol support is activated.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

>>Also make sure Mackie Protocol support is activated.

Can't this be considered a "bug" or design flaw, at least?

Shouldn't the preset notes, as well as Dim etc be Mackie Protocoll independant?
I use a Pitchbend dial to fine control a Cubase EQ. It sends PB on channel 9. The same MIDI device is used as MIDI Input to TotalMix to control its Dim. Now PB 9 also controls Master Fader in TotalMix due to Mackie Protocoll enabled for Dim to work, which interferes with Cubase.

I don't want Mackie Protocol, but still switch presets and control Dim in TotalMix...


Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

We are thinking about changing this as well.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Is totalmix (old) still developed further?


Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Only bugs are fixed.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Oh... So nö changes to Midi implementation anymore? Bummer

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Unfortunately, I am also unable to midi select presets in TotalMix. I have tried everything, literally! I have step sequenced every CC on every channel and sent them to TotaMix in both "simple" MIDI and Mackie protocol mode and nothing! Fader control/sub mix selection works so my midi set up is fine. Any suggestions?


Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Full velocity for those notes.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Midicontrol of total mix presets

Ok thanks for thew help, got it! My main problem is I was sending only Note ON messages, Totalmix requires the Note OFF message. Also my sequencer shows the keys an octave lower than described in the manual so I need to start at F#2 rather than F#3. Decimal index is the same, but I was mistaking the decimal column as a CC# column.