a fireface repeater hub with Texas Inst chipset with RME as host and my two laptops plugged in the hub will fix the pops and cliks?
It is not possible to share the fireface with 2 computers at a time using a hub. This is not possible with nay audio interface.
Change shared IRQ is required?
It is not possible to manually assign IRQs in Windows since Windows 98. Also IRQ sharing not a big worry like it was under Win 98 and earlier XP versions. On a laptop and even on most desktops you will always have multiple devices sharing the same IRQs.
Maybe RME ff800 doesn't works fine with Lenovos or IBM laptops ?
Every Lenovo laptop model uses different hardware. There is no general compatibility issues between Lenovo or any other manufacturers laptop. There can be performance issues on laptops due to the choose of 3rd party devices the laptop manufacturer uses on the model. Such as Firewire, wifi, card reader, blue tooth, network and video. These all have the potential to cause performance issues with pro audio software and hardware depending on how the manufacturer implements them on the laptop.
maybe RME ff800 doesn't works fine with laptops 4 pins firewire?
RME as well as all other firewire interfaces work fine on a 4 pin firewire connection. The only difference between a 6 pin and 4 pin is the 2 pins for bus power. So only a device that can just work off of buss power would not work with a 4 pin connection.
Has RME really fixed windows 7 problems with the 3x update?
Yes. Since you are using the Ricoh firewire chip you might want to try using the Microsoft Legacy Firewire driver. It may be more reliable for you rather than the default Windows 7 driver. here are instructions on doing this.
Here also are links to tweaking your Window s7 install to work well for audio.
is there any problems with RME and 64 bits?
Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas