Topic: fireface 400 skipping on playback and recording
Greetings, currently i have the following machine setup:
MB: Gigabyte EP45T-DS3R
CPU: Intel Q9550 2.83ghz
RAM: 8gb
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 260
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64
I have the following problem, whenever i play songs,work on a DAW (CUBASE 5, Ableton 8), record a mix (wavelab 6,sound forge 10) i get the skipping of the audio that currently i listen. the same goes whenever i record, the sound just starts skipping, no reason. and all the time i get errors in the Fireface settings menu. I have tried reinstalling everything from the beginning and nothing helps, this problem prevents me from using the card as i want to. please help me.