Topic: Digi 96/8 PAD Output Stuck on ADAT
Hey guys,
Just trying to use this card with Pro Tools 9 as a simple stereo record device in Windows7. When used in Samplitude, over the past 10 years I've often noticed that the output status had switched to ADAT, therefore not allowing the audio to be passed through the AES/SPDIF outs. I would simply disable all outputs from 3-8, which would force the card to spit out the audio through AES. Basically, AES/SPDIF in and out.
However, in Pro Tools you cannot do that, and even though I'm passing audio into the AES inputs, the card is saying it's status is ADAT output. How can I possibly change this now to make it not do that? There must be a way, but I can't find anything in the settings...
Any help is much appreciated.