Topic: Different sample rates on same PC possible?

I'm a mastering engineer, and at the moment I have an HDSPe AES, which I use for transfer and capture to and from an analogue outboard chain (via separate Crookwood D/A and A/D converters).

It appears that you can only have one sample rate per PCIe card, is that correct?

I'd like to be able to transfer at one sample rate, e.g. a 96kHz source file, and capture at another, e.g. 44.1kHz, as this would bypass the degradation caused by having to use a sample rate converter after the fact.

I know Samplitude Pro X (my main DAW), allows different audio tracks to have different sample rates, so I am wondering if this would be possible on a single PC, if I bought another RME PCIe card?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Different sample rates on same PC possible?

No this would not be possible. You would be re-sampling either way if the connections are digital to digital.
You would need to go analog to another card or system to do this with out re-sampling which over course adds a whole new set of variables.
To me it would be a faster workflow and most likely give better and more consistent results just to use the re-sampling/dithering from Samplitude which is very good.
Being that Samplitude like all other Professorial audio software uses ASIO you would not be able to different cards are different sample rates within the Host.
You could possible use a 2nd non RME card as a mix down source but you would then have to worry about that cards AD?DA and clock quality. That card could not be clocked to you house clock without some form of re-sampling.

Thanks Chris

Chris Ludwig
North East USA Sales | Synthax/RME
Twitter @RMEAmericas

Re: Different sample rates on same PC possible?

Thanks for the quick answer Chris, good to know!

I will probably keep on using the offline SRC then (I usually use Voxengo R8Brain Pro Full).