Topic: blinking lights/clicking sound/driver not recognized/can't open soft


I've been using the Fireface 800 for many years without problems.  Today I went into the studio and all the lights on the unit are flashing and it is making a clicking sound through the monitors.  I tried to open up the Fireface Settings and the Firerace Mixer, both of these icons/applications will not open.  I tried using the Fireflash flash, but it says it doesn't recognize a driver....

I've tried the following:
* Repaired disc permissions
* Left unit on, and unplugged the power cable--waited 10 seconds and plugged it back in.
* I've tried to delete the files and re-install the software to no avail.

Help--I don't know what to do or why this is happening.

Additionally, can someone also recommend how to do a full clean uninstall.  Not sure I'm doing it correctly, but I trashed the mixer/settings icon and additionally went into the library/extensions folder and deleted the 1 fire face item (FirefaceAudioDriver.kext)...Are there more items to delete?  Is there a FireFace Uninstall application or by simply deleting the 2 Fireface icon/applications this will take care of?

So-ANY help would be appreciated. I'm running a iMac 10.7.3, 2.4 GHZ, 4 GB 800-MHz DDR2 SDRAMM - use logic (however this is not the issue as it is happening before running Logic/Ableton/itunes or any programs).  Furthermore in the system preferences it doesn't recognize the FireFace RME

Very frustrating---
Thanks in advance,

Re: blinking lights/clicking sound/driver not recognized/can't open soft


this might be a hardware issue requiring repair, sorry... Flashing LEDs are not a good sign...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs