Topic: ROUTING TM FX Headphone 1-4
Hi Matthias
i have a problem with the Routing for the Headphone 1-4.
I like to assign ADAT 1-8 to Headphone 1-4. Why i see only the ADAT 1-4 as Routing-possibility?
I like to connect an Heartechnology Hearback-System to ADAT Output 1-8 to create an Talkback/Listenback Situation/Headphone Mixing Situation and i don't like to spend some Analog Outputs of the Fireface UFX.
Best regards
MNW Switzerland
MAC PRO 8-core early 2011, OSX 10.7.3, latest RME Drivers/Firmware, RME Fireface UFX, RME Micstasy, RME ADI-8 QS, Heartechnologies Hearback System for HP Monitoring.