Topic: HDSP Multiface I - best/working motherboard?
It seems my mobo (ASUS M4A79XTD evo) does not get along with the multiface at all!! Massive problems I cannot be bothered to go into now...
I'm getting a new system and am wondering if anyone is using two multiface I (pci) on any motherboards with perfect results?
I hear murmurs of the sandy bridge not playing nice with old pci cards...
I'm using the rev 1.8 cards... If that makes a difference!
I'm a big fan of my UAD1's and Pcie SSL duende in pro tools 9 ( I think I'm going to get an expansion chassis for the 3 UAD's processing card)s … html?sl=EN
So need a mobo with enough speed in the pci slots to use 3 UAD-1s, 2 multiface and an SSl duende (pcie) at once...
Shower me with knowledge RME forum!!