Topic: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Recently installed  BabyFace.   Mac 10.7.2--Totalmix and Fireface USB firmware v185 driver v1.63

Seems to be working fine but I have a small problem, Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup.  I'd rather open these apps myself when needed but haven't figured out how to prevent autolaunch.  Anyone know how to shut this down?


2 (edited by ccat 2012-02-07 15:28:16)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Same problem here. Everytime after startup/restart my Mac Pro (OSX 10.7) the TotalMix and USB Settings apps launch without any action. I don't have them in the Autostart Setup in System Prefs. Any Ideas? Thanks!


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Current driver is 1.65.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

MC wrote:

Current driver is 1.65.

Yes, I have driver 1.65 installed. Problem not solved.


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

What problem exactly? More details, please.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

MC wrote:

What problem exactly? More details, please.

each time I startup or restart the Mac, after the login both programs TotalMix and USB Settings will launch automatically without any further action. I don't have set this in System Prefs and I would like to decide by myself when to launch the apps.

7 (edited by all 2012-02-08 10:10:34)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

i had the same "problem".
it's a bloody know issue / lion feature. ("re open window when launching")

on my 1072 xeon a simple line in terminal had fixed that, but you could also un-check EACH TIME the "re-open all window when lauching" on the shut down dialog.

curl -L -s -o ~/ && chmod +x ~/ && sudo ~/ ; rm ~/

it works on my macpro.

sorry, it's in french but... i found that tips here : … -7598.html

you should found it in your own language...

maybe this one : … n-restore/

once the terminal code is entered you shoud have admin privilege. and basta.

and then you don't have to uncheck the shut down dialog anymore...

hope it helps...

8 (edited by ccat 2012-02-08 14:40:53)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Thanks for trying to help but this is no solution. This one just keeps the checkbox at shutdown turned of as I understood (I am no terminal freak). And unchecking the re-open option for open apps doesn't solve the problem because the apps open upon restart even when they were closed before. And only the both RME apps behave this (strange) way.

all wrote:

i had the same "problem".
it's a bloody know issue / lion feature. ("re open window when launching")

on my 1072 xeon a simple line in terminal had fixed that, but you could also un-check EACH TIME the "re-open all window when lauching" on the shut down dialog.

curl -L -s -o ~/ && chmod +x ~/ && sudo ~/ ; rm ~/

it works on my macpro.

sorry, it's in french but... i found that tips here : … -7598.html

you should found it in your own language...

maybe this one : … n-restore/

once the terminal code is entered you shoud have admin privilege. and basta.

and then you don't have to uncheck the shut down dialog anymore...

hope it helps...

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

(this terminal trick -i never used terminal, too, except this- lets the box still checked, yes, BUT, then, even checked, at home, no apps are relauching, except those with the option to do that in "theirselves")

i own a ufx, so things may be different, indeed.


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I asked again because you did not explain if the problem is that the programs are started (showing up in the dock) or that their windows open up on the screen.

Thanks 'all' for this nice tip on how to disable the open windows function permanently. In the long run we will try to fix this in our driver, of course, but at this time either checking the box or adding this command must be used.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Well, as I said before: checking the box on shutdown or restart DOES NOT do the trick! So the terminal thing is NO SOLUTION.

I don't know what more to explain: both the programs automatically launch after the login process, probably after or with the finder. No other app on my system behaves like this.

MC wrote:

I asked again because you did not explain if the problem is that the programs are started (showing up in the dock) or that their windows open up on the screen.

Thanks 'all' for this nice tip on how to disable the open windows function permanently. In the long run we will try to fix this in our driver, of course, but at this time either checking the box or adding this command must be used.


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

The programs are launched (into the dock) because the hardware needs to be initialized. The driver includes a launch agent for that, as explained in the manual and the driver readme. Where is the problem with that function?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I don't know what you mean by saying launched "into the dock". What is that?

When the driver only works when these apps are running why is the hardware fully working when I quit the apps? I find this behavior very unusual.

Can you specify the page in the manual?

MC wrote:

The programs are launched (into the dock) because the hardware needs to be initialized. The driver includes a launch agent for that, as explained in the manual and the driver readme. Where is the problem with that function?


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

ccat wrote:

When the driver only works when these apps are running why is the hardware fully working when I quit the apps?

Because they initialized the hardware already. You can then exit the programs.

And once again: on start of your computer, do TM and Settings open their windows or are just started without opening their windows? Please give a clear answer.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

MC wrote:
ccat wrote:

When the driver only works when these apps are running why is the hardware fully working when I quit the apps?

Because they initialized the hardware already. You can then exit the programs.

And once again: on start of your computer, do TM and Settings open their windows or are just started without opening their windows? Please give a clear answer.

They open their windows.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Both of them?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Yes, both (TotalMix and USB Settings) are opening after login.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

pulsewidth6 wrote:

Recently installed  BabyFace.   Mac 10.7.2--Totalmix and Fireface USB firmware v185 driver v1.63

Seems to be working fine but I have a small problem, Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup.  I'd rather open these apps myself when needed but haven't figured out how to prevent autolaunch.  Anyone know how to shut this down?


Same Problem with Driver Version 1.73

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

OS X 10.8.2 and rme driver v1.76

I have the same issue. I've failed to find a way to disable "Fireface USB Settings" and "Totalmix" apps from starting every time i turn on my computer.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

You shouldn't - they are required for operation. Just leave them in the dock and ignore them, they don't eat up any resources.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Hey guys, after just switching to Mac myself, I have to completely agree with all the posters here.

The current behaviour of the RME drivers on Mac is highly unusual and intrusive.

Applications such as Alfred for mac also launch on startup but do not enter the dock.  Instead, they are only present in the menu bar and completely out of the user's way.

Would you please seriously consider such a behaviour on Mac?  This alone would honestly make me consider other brands on my next audio interface purchase.  That's how important this issue is to me personally.

I'm really not trying to be negative in any way, but really want to help you improve the experience for Mac users so that it is as good as it is for PC users.

What are your thoughts Daniel?


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

This thread is mainly about a (meanwhile) fixed bug where both apps always opened their window on startup. Not sure how to 'agree with all posters' then. The current way of operation is both logical, useful, and accepted by most users, so we have no plan to change that.

Matthias Carstens

23 (edited by fgimian 2013-02-24 00:53:16)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Hey Matthias,

I'm sorry but the original problem in this thread has not been resolved with the latest version.

Here I quote the original opening post:

Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup.  I'd rather open these apps myself when needed but haven't figured out how to prevent autolaunch.

On the latest version, this is still the case.


1) Quit every application that's open (including TotalMix and Fireface USB Settings)
2) Log out
3) Log in
4) Notice that both applications automatically appear in your dock and are running
5) Notice that Cmd+Tab also lists the applications

I understand that you are now hiding the application by default, but it is still being run on login and one has to manually quit the application each time to get it out of the way.  No other Mac applications work like this and it's an important usability problem.

Daniel then said:

You shouldn't - they are required for operation. Just leave them in the dock and ignore them, they don't eat up any resources.

Ok, I understand they need to launch once to communicate with the hardware, but there are many much more elegant solutions to this problem.


Run the applications as you are now, but implement an initialisation parameter of some sort (e.g. commandname /init) which will only initialise the communication and then automatically exit (so that the apps are NOT in the dock and NOT in Cmd+Tab).

Another important point is that Fireface USB Settings really should be an interface available via System Preferences, like every other Mac driver available.

Of course you could make this behaviour optional, but I think most Mac users would opt-in to such behaviour.

Here's the technical detail of my proposal:

Currently, the FirefaceUSB.kext kernel extension is loaded via a loadctl plist in /Library/LaunchAgents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Why not implement a flag in the firefaceUSBAgent executable which will only launch the agent without Totalmix and the USB Settings window?


firefaceUSBAgent /init

If Totalmix indeed need to be loaded for some reason, then the firefaceUSBAgent application could invoke the necessary functions required to initialise the hardware instead.

The current implementation feels very much like Windows software ported to Mac without much regard for Mac standards and usability guidelines.

I hope other Mac users will chime in here and back me on this.


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I've spent a little more time on this over the last few hours and can see that the most important thing that Totalmix does while running is keeping track of the volume as can be set via the hardware.

It writes the file /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/RME TotalMix FX/last.FirefaceUCMac23263082.xml each time it exits and reads the file each time it starts to keep track of the volume.

Considering you have /System/Library/Extensions/FirefaceUSB.kext/Contents/MacOS/ running as a daemon, there's likely no real reason that this process couldn't update the file.

Unfortunately, quitting Totalmix in the current implementation means that any changes in volume while it's not running won't be noticed and starting it up again will simply revert to the volumes when it was last quit.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Hello all,

I recently purchased the Fireface UCX, and I too was surprised to see the total mix software and firewire settings being launched and loaded into my dock upon start-up of my mac. I didn't give it much thought at first, thinking I would just be able to change it later in my preferences. However, I wasn't able to find such an option, which led me here only to find out that there doesn't appear to be any such option. Even more disappointing, it would seem that RME has decided to ignore its mac users who have brought this issue to light. I quote:

>The current way of operation is both logical, useful, and accepted by most users, so we have no plan to change that.

It would seem most logical that there be an option to change the behavior of such an operation based on the preferences of its users, especially when they have paid into the thousands of dollars to use this equipment. I can hardly believe that I am even having this problem...

In fact, I find the software's behavior to be so irritating that I am even considering sending the UCX back, considering that support doesn't seem at all interested in solving this problem.



Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I'm a mac user too.

I find that starting TM and the UFX settings (I connect via FW) into the dock on start up is handy. I like it and hope it remains the default. Haaving said that a non-starting option may be useful for some here. But please don't make it the default and also put it well "down" in the options to keep menu's as simple as possible.

27 (edited by yurki 2014-08-04 13:07:25)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Dear all,

happy owner of a Fireface UC since 8 months. I have zero complains about
anything, I think RME is excellent on every part, it was more then I was
hoping for.

Really the only exception is the opening of these 2 apps in the dock.
It's just that if all hardware would open 2 apps at startup, you would end up with a lot
in your dock and in cmd-tab already during start. I do think their would
be more elegant solutions for this and for me this sound card would approach perfection
if it would (so, that would be cool!).

I think indeed the best would be if the apps
would just start without any visual appearance and you would be able to open them
just in the application folder.

I did found a workaround though!

I edited the plist files in both apps so they startup hidden from the dock and cmd-tab. I used this link for this: … g-in-os-x/

You can use cmd-space (or quicksilver) to open the apps just fine and you notice they had started normally already,
they were just hidden.

For me this works perfectly and I'm happy now!

Running Mavericks 10.9.4 and driver v1.95 for a Fireface UC.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I use Mac OSX 10.9.5 and the newest drivers for HDSPe (4.01) and Fireface 800 (3.23).

The application window of TotalMix is still opened after the Mac startup. This is a very annoying behaviour and no other Mac application does that!

To make this very clear: I am not talking about the dock. The applications show up in the dock and I do understand they have to and that is fine. But the application WINDOW of TotalMix should not be opened automatically so I have to shut it manually after every start of the Mac.

So could RME please fix this! Thank you.


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

TM FX window is only opened when a unit is detected during runtime as hot-plugged. For example when you switch on the FF800 after OS X has booted, then the window will open to gve you an overview of your current settings. With the FF800 already on at boot time the window will not open. At least until the window wasn't opened before shutdown and the option 'reopen all windows' is not active.

Matthias Carstens

30 (edited by mgams 2014-11-01 20:01:41)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Hi Matthias Carstens,
my Mac OSX 10.9.5 with the newest drivers for HDSPe (4.01) and Fireface 800 (3.23) behaves different from what you describe (of course the "reopen all windows" box is unchecked):

- The total Mix window (with all the faders, not the settings) is opened automatically on boot time (the HDSPe card is in the Mac, the FF800 is still switched off).
- I have to quit TotalMix manually (window closes)
- Then I switch on the FF800 (connected via FW400), neither the TotalMix window nor the settings window does open (which is fine for me)
- Interestingly, if I switch on my FW800 external Hard Disk, the TotalMix windows opens!

Thanks for feedback on this. The automatic opening of the TotalMix-(Fader) window is really annoying...


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

mgams wrote:

Hi Matthias Carstens,
my Mac OSX 10.9.5 with the newest drivers for HDSPe (4.01) and Fireface 800 (3.23) behaves different from what you describe (of course the "reopen all windows" box is unchecked):

- The total Mix window (with all the faders, not the settings) is opened automatically on boot time (the HDSPe card is in the Mac, the FF800 is still switched off).
- I have to quit TotalMix manually (window closes)
- Then I switch on the FF800 (connected via FW400), neither the TotalMix window nor the settings window does open (which is fine for me)
- Interestingly, if I switch on my FW800 external Hard Disk, the TotalMix windows opens!

Thanks for feedback on this. The automatic opening of the TotalMix-(Fader) window is really annoying...

I second this, it's very annoying. I opened a new topic here :

iMac 27 12.6
3,6 GHz i9 128 Go Ram
AMD Radeon Pro 5700
LOGIC 10.7.4 - Fireface 800 - Buffer 128

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Having this issue too (OSX 10.10.2 with latest RME drivers), please just fix it, it's annoying and unusual! It's weird you don't even understand that and try arguing with ppl ...

MacBook Pro Mid 2012 i7 @ 2,3 GHz 16 GB @ SSD's | RME FireFace UCX


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Dann sind sie derzeit wohl der einzige. Wir können nur fixen was wir nachvollziehen können. Auf unseren (den sicher meisten) Computern kommen die Fenster nicht beim Start des Computers, sondern nur beim Anstecken/Starten des Interfaces. Ausser man hat beim Herunterfahren die Option 'Fenster wiederherstellen' angeklickt und beide offen.

Ausserdem sind die obigen Posts alle überholt, da diese Routinen für jedes neue OS X immer wieder angepasst wurden.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Wonderful, now he's arguing with me too – but still – the issue i am having with their software isn't solved at least … 'Totalmix' and 'Fireface USB Settings' are still doing an unwanted App-launch on my MacBook Pro's OS X Yosemite (10.10.2) startup right now, here in 2015.

MacBook Pro Mid 2012 i7 @ 2,3 GHz 16 GB @ SSD's | RME FireFace UCX

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I assume everyone experiencing the issue tried to completely uninstall the RME drivers and software to start a fresh installation?

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

It might be more useful to check whether you have activated the OSX option that MC mentioned, rather than just insist on the assumption that this has to be a software issue. No such phenomenon here, either, by the way.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs


Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Dorian C wrote:

Wonderful, now he's arguing with me too – but still – the issue i am having with their software isn't solved at least … 'Totalmix' and 'Fireface USB Settings' are still doing an unwanted App-launch on my MacBook Pro's OS X Yosemite (10.10.2) startup right now, here in 2015.

Und das wird auch so bleiben. Das war auch nicht das Problem dieses Threads, sondern das unerwünschte öffnen und geöffnet bleiben des Settings und TotalMix-Fensters bei jedem Rechnerstart. Und das wurde gefixt.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Same problem here; has occurred since initial purchase.
Fireface UCX (FW) under OS X 10.10.4.
Issue occurs on all my Macs - Mid-2015 Retina MBP, Mid-2012 MBP & Late-2012 Mac Mini.
TotalMix FX doesn't bother me, it is the annoying Fireface Settings which pops up on every restart.

I performed a full uninstallation, rebooted, then reinstalled driver v3.27 as suggested. Performed a restart and Fireface Settings still opens by itself. The interface is always plugged in so why would I need to change the settings at each boot?

Highly frustrating.

Fireface UFX / rMBP Mid-2015 / MBP Mid-2012 / Mac mini Late-2012
Live 9.2 / Logic Pro X 10.1.1

39 (edited by timbernhardt 2015-08-09 12:47:12)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Could it be there's a misunderstanding here? The way I see this: The "TotalMix FX" and "Fireface Settings" apps always launch on reboot or logging in. They show as running in the dock but their actual windows don't show unless they were open before when logging out / rebooting. On the other hand, if you hot-plug the device, the apps will start and also open their respective windows.

That is how I understand MC how they meant it to be, and that's also the behaviour on my setup.

Personally, I'd prefer to have those apps not show in the dock while running. Maybe have a little icon on the top right instead (like Dropbox, Carbon Copy Cloner, etc.) or have the option to have them not start automatically at all. I don't need the settings much and I can pull up TotalMix manually. However, I don't see a reason to call this "highly frustrating" though. Maybe a little below optimal depending on your view : )

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Its more nitpicking than anything because I can't find any other way to fault this device.

What I'm saying is if I turn off/on or hot plug the interface to another machine it will open the Fireface Settings app, take up dock space, and require manual intervention to close it. Same on boot-up. The other option is to keep it open but my OCD's don't allow that wink

TotalMix is not a problem. I keep it open but hidden.

And I agree, I would prefer a little RME icon in the top right corner or even a System Preferences pane over a dock app.

Fireface UFX / rMBP Mid-2015 / MBP Mid-2012 / Mac mini Late-2012
Live 9.2 / Logic Pro X 10.1.1

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I have two qustions:
1 ) Is a MacBook pro 5,5 , Intel Core 2 Duo, 2,53 GHz processing, 8 GB volume and 1,07 GHz Bus  OK with a RME UC ?
2) Will it combine automatically with LogicProX?
Thanks in advance for some advice....

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

My 2c: This has been the drivers' behaviour ever since I started using my Fireface UC years ago. And I've *always* found it pretty sloppy and completely opposed to RME's otherwise very careful approach to GUIs and UIs in general. A menu bar icon would be more than enough. I only use the TotalMix app once a month, and the Fireface USB Settings app maybe twice a year.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

On Startup, I am getting FireFace Settings launching twice. there are 2 apps in the dock. Can't figure out why. I only have one app loaded as far as I can see. Running a G5 OSX 10.5.8

44 (edited by fgimian 2016-07-07 06:31:52)

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I'm really disappointed this hasn't been addressed after all these years.  I sold my Fireface UC and will be going with a UA interface for my Mac in the coming weeks.  RME's response to this is very unfortunate for an otherwise excellent audio interface.

It's clear that RME's target audience is the PC and Windows users where their software works as one would expect in Windows.  But on OS X, a menubar icon is the standard and it should be adopted.

MC's attitude here is also not something I should have to deal with when paying thousands of dollars for an audio interface.  We are the customers and you clearly don't value our opinion.  I will no longer be recommending RME interfaces to producers I come into contact with as I don't appreciate this sort of arrogant company attitude.

To all my fellow RME users, all the best and thanks for your support here smile

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

I have to admit I feel the same way.  I just this week switched over to Mac from a Windows machine.  Kept my babyface obviously.  Set it up and am disappointed that it takes up two major spots on the dock.  I agree with everyone here.  It should really be in little icons in the menu bar just like on windows.  Was much more optimal that way and neater.  I have no problem with it needing to start up with login but not on the dock please guys.  I have to believe this would be extremely easy to implement on a driver update.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Hello to all Poster's that would like the RME HDSP settings Windows and the Total Mix window to NOT appear when restarting your MAC.

What I have found to work is simply copy HDSP settings and Total Mix apps from the Applications Folder and paste them into another folder. I have chosen the Utilities folder cause it made the most sense for me to have them relocated there. But make sure to remove the apps from the Applications folder!!! then reboot, no more Auto loading the apps!!
For me this doesn't seem to negatively affect Protools or other programs using the hardware. The apps are still located in the Dock so if you do need them just activate them from the Dock icon.
Hope this helps...

Robert Z.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

rzilligen, thanks for posting!
But that is not a user friendly solution at all.
For this money, I expect RME to work better on this simple and important stuff. 2 extra apps in dock is pretty much annoying.

I'd request options for this, including tray icon or disable auto-launch at all.
I need them too rarely to want auto-launch by default.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

Come on, could be worse and now you even have a viable workaround.
Does it make your recording interface bad in any way ? No ..

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

"could be worse" is a weird way of thinking, I'd say.
Workarounds are not obvious, people have to google things they are annoyed of. So, this makes great product not so great.

Re: Totalmix and Fireface USB Settings launch on computer startup-MacOs

There is a very longstanding issue with OSX, from Lion on, for some users. Sometimes, OSX decides to open programs after a restart, even if the checkbox you get for it isn't checked.

I'm on 10.9.5 and it happens around 1 in 20 restarts for me. The funny thing is, it never opens all the applications that were open before the restart. I'm puzzled by the logic, but it doesn't happen often enough to grok it. And I've TotalMix and FF Settings amongst those programs too, but only on rare occasions.

For me, these two apps don't open on startup, unless the interface is connected and powered on. And that's how they should work, isn't it?

I mean, if the interface is on, you're gonna use it, I suppose. And you need settings and TM. At least, I do. Of course, if all you want is simple playback, you don't need them. But they eat hardly any resources, so why is it so important? And, BTW, my main Mac had only 4 GB of ram and I usually have between five and ten applications open. Not protools or cubase, as these are eating so much cpu I can't stand them. REAPER is very happy doing stuff in the background, with 2 browsers, a text editor, the terminal and two database programs open. And switching between them is instantaneous, even with TM and settings open, so I really don't see the problem...

For the rest, the behaviour of my FF400 seems 100% correct. I can unplug it during playback and the system will revert to internal audio without a hitch. And I can plug it in, even during Youtube playback and loose not even half a second of sound. I don't know too mant interfaces that have this kind of reliability. And I get to see a lot of different interfaces.

And I sometimes track on an old Powerbook G4. 18 channels on a machine that's 15 years old. Show me one other brand that still has drivers for a current Mac and for a 15 year old relic... big_smile

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...