Topic: Total-Mix - How can I control the second column of the matrix via MIDI
On the image below: which MIDI channel / cc controls the red marked control in the matrix ?
Via a midi cable I can control each position in the left columns <Out 1, Out 2> .
But I don't find out howto control anythingin the <Out 3, Out 4> columns.
( At AS 1/2 I have Ableton and on <Out 1, Out 2> with cannel 5, cc 107 I can control the volume at the XLR output.
Now I'd like to get the Ableton - out on the Headphone, before I blend it into the Taktor - Mix )
[ yes, the sound is great and I already have the new firmware and software - with babyface and windows, the XS-Session contoller is connected to babyface with a midi cable ]
Best regards