Topic: Fireface UCX - Problem with standalone mode.
When I am trying to turn me Fireface UCX on, standalone (without turning my computer on) - it is doing straige thing - it turn on for 2 seconds than turn off for 2 seconds with "cracky" sound in speakers, than again it start to turn on, than again off with cracky sound and over and over again until I just switch the unit off.
But when I first turn my computer on, and then the unit - no problems.
But, there's also 2nd small problem - every time when computer is just turned on and loaded TotalMix shows message like "settings been lost, press No and it will load UCX setting in computer, or press Yes and hat will load Totalmix settings to UCX" Whatever I press, from that moment i starts working properly.
Getting really annoyed by that.
How I can fix this?
I really need standalone mode.