Topic: UFX usb recording, Capturing software channels along w/ live audio
I used the usb recording via UFX for the first time, I had a session on the go so to speak. I had a lunch box full of API pre's and the UFX with me.
I put the drivers on my clients notebook since he used a daw to play some of his backing tracks that the rest of the people played to.
I did not really put too much thought into it but I rec enabled each channel I needed recorded and when I realized I need to have daw playback recorded (it had perc, synth parts etc) I recorded one of the phones channels set a 0dB with a submix, and got all the live tracks and daw playback as a LR stereo file, all the other files I have as individual mono files. I sorta pulled it off but i would much rather have the daw playback as one separate stereo file. I guess depending what is played eventually I would have to separate the signals coming out of the daw also.
How am I supposed to rout the DAW software playback to have that as a separate channel? I have a few ideas but I don't want to experiment today I just want to do it right...