Topic: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

hi i usually work at 24 bit 44100khz i use all analog outputs when i change to 96000khz i miss some outputs this is normal??

hdsp 9632 pci
aio192 enpansion card


Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

Yes, you lose the ADAT channels at higher sample rates.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

ok at higher sample rates i just can use 2 of the 4 aio192 expansion card outputs??is that right??
i dont use digital outputs just analog

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

No, all channels of the AIO expansion card are still available.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

5 (edited by helderrodrigues 2013-03-07 00:20:21)

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

[img align=L][/img]

at 44100khz

[img align=L][/img]

at 96000khz

i loose a5/6 and a7/8 outputs of the aio192 expansion analog outputs … 5.57.jpg?m
at 44100khz … 5.16.jpg?m
at 96000khz

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

Those are the ADAT (optical) channels. Which expansion card exactly are you referring to? There does not seem to be an AO4S-192 AIO output card installed in your screen shots.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

Everything looks normal. As Jeff said, there does not seem to be an AO4S installed, because that would show up in the mixer as additional channels. If you are referring to the older AEB expansion boards, these do not support 96k at all.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

ok my expansion card is aeb 4 output that s why  i miss channells at 96000
thx for the help

Re: hdsp9632 24 bit 96000khz missing outputs

No, you don't "miss channels". The number of ADAT channels is reduced to 4, and whatever may come out of the AEB will not be a correct signal, so you can not use it... It only works up to 48k.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs