Topic: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!
After reading almost 200 or 300 posts about "ground loop" problems with peoples PCs'/ Macs , the main issue is a hum or hissing or noise made by moving the mouse or browsing the web coming through the headphone and breakout cables, both RCA unbalanced and XLR balanced breakouts. It turns out that the solution is very , very simple and cheap.
All you need is some isolation tape/ electricians tape, all the points on the metal " L" bracket that contact the chassis need to be isolated with tape, it took me 5 minutes. Keep in mind that with the tape added, the fit is tighter so be careful, it fits snug.You could also do the reverse if you don't want to get tape on the card, just put the tape on all the contact points on the chassis.
Now here is my bone I have with RME, why have the folks at RME not figured this out?? Its such a simple problem, it could be solved by not using a generic bracket, but one coated with silicon or rubber, or RME supplying an optional elastic like sleeve that would fit over the " L" bracket at the back of the card.
So thats my challenge to the folks , this is such an excellent product, so I like hear what Daniel and folks at RME would consider this?