1 (edited by JRM 2013-04-05 03:30:22)

Topic: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

After reading almost  200 or 300 posts about "ground loop" problems with peoples PCs'/ Macs  ,  the main issue is  a hum or hissing or noise made by moving the mouse or browsing the web coming through the headphone  and breakout cables, both RCA unbalanced and  XLR balanced breakouts. It turns out that the solution is very , very simple and cheap.
All you need is some isolation tape/ electricians tape,  all the points on the metal " L" bracket that contact the chassis need to be isolated with tape,   it took me 5 minutes. Keep in mind that with the tape added, the fit is tighter so be careful, it fits snug.You could also do the reverse if you don't want to get tape on the card, just  put the tape on all the contact points on the chassis.

Now  here is my bone I have with RME,    why have the folks at RME not figured this out?? Its such a simple problem, it could be solved by not using a generic bracket, but one coated with silicon or rubber, or RME supplying an optional  elastic like sleeve that would fit over the  " L" bracket at the back of the card.
So thats my challenge to the folks , this is such an excellent product,  so I like hear what Daniel and folks at RME would consider this?


Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

While this solution to problems with individual cases has been posted on this forum already (with pictures), it can not be considered a general solution, because there is no general problem. Most AIOs by a vast majority are dead silent apart from the music, and never require any such tampering.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs


Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

And an isolated bracket is something a user is allowed to do - but we are not allowed to sell without violating against EMI/CE etc regulations.

Matthias Carstens

4 (edited by manasseh 2013-04-05 12:54:40)

Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

Yes, as mentioned previously by user Pumin and me , it's the only foolproof method I found against the noise ever since I have the card (3 or 4 years).
RME duct taped photo

Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

MC wrote:

And an isolated bracket is something a user is allowed to do - but we are not allowed to sell without violating against EMI/CE etc regulations.

Very interesting, so in a way  by complying to the regulations you avoid having your products  being labeled as a source of EMI.

Still, I am sure they have meetings these folks that make the regulations and maybe be open to some exceptions or amending the laws?
Probably just too much of headache  :fryingpan:

Cheers. JRM

Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

manasseh wrote:

Yes, as mentioned previously by user Pumin and me , it's the only foolproof method I found against the noise ever since I have the card (3 or 4 years).
RME duct taped photo

Manasseh, it was from your posts that I found the idea, so thank you, thank you, thank you  :rotfl:

The picture is very important too!

Cheers. JRM

Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

Thanks to Pumin!! Glad I could be of help :-)  Couldn't stand more of that whiny noise while mixing lower volume stuff....

8 (edited by JRM 2013-04-14 07:58:29)

Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

Just thought I'd post an update on the progress of getting clean undistorted sound from the PC.

1) moved sound card to the upper slot nearest to the cpu, as far away from the graphics card as possible
2) purchased new XLR balanced breakout cables, old ones were causing distortion.
3) purchased an XLR( balanced) to RCA( unbalanced) box with VU meters and gain controls
4) used " mannaseh"s method of applying isolation/ electricians tape to the  " L" bracket on the sound card, this reduced all the of the  EMI noises coming from the GPU by eliminating contact with the PC chassis

Lastly the PC  is connected to many devices, this makes  the "ground loop" an issue. This was solved by simply getting the " HUM-X" adapter, plug the PC power cable and voila no more noise, hum, GPU, CPU noise.

The power, clarity and volume increased substantially, amazing difference.

Next issues to consider, AC power filter for cleaner power source signal to all the PC studio  hardware
Eliminating  the " cable clutter" behind the PC and aligning each cable along a wooden slot under the work table

Any other  tips or suggestions welcome!!

Cheers, JRM

Re: HDSPe AIO computer noise etc very simple solution!!

Hi, I have this problem and I wonder if someone can show me the photo in question as I don't understand what is the "L" bracket and those links are dead.

Thank you so much wink