Topic: Babyface - Static noise through XLR outputs. A defective unit?
I get what sounds like interference static through the Babyface XLR outputs when the Babyface is powered by USB. I have yet to try an AC adapter to see if the noise is present. To me it doesn't sound like ground loop noise as other have described in other threads (it could be through).
The constant interference noise slightly changes in sound when the following conditions occur.
- When I scroll my mouse wheel to scroll windows.
- When I open or close windows.
- When I move the mouse around the screen.
- I can hear changes in the static each time the input lights blink on the babyface when setting input levels.
I can also slightly hear my hard drive activity when I put my ear close to the monitors. I $&%^ you not... That is quite strange!! The noise get worse when the breakout extension is connected.
I'm running the XLR outs to Event 20/20 powered monitors. The latest drivers and firmware are installed. I get the noise no matter if the Babyface is connected to my Mac Pro or to my PC.