1 (edited by Sequenza 2014-01-29 18:56:37)

Topic: Buffer settings on new Madi FX


Just changed my old RME config in the tracking room, from a hdsp AES + hdsp 9652 (both PCI -not e), to a brand new MADI FX. Installation went smooth and the specs are exciting, however I cannot get 'decent' buffer values without asio buffer errors in Samplitude/Sequoia ( v11 & v12). On my previous setup on the very same pc, I could go as low as 32 samples,  now with the new card I can't go below 256 samples without the dreaded clicks for a simple stereo file playback @44k...

I tried the following:
- updated the firmware to the latest available on the website (Rev 89, DSP 19)
- swapped the card to other pcie slots
- updated graphic card driver and intel chipset driver
- tried several buffer settings within Sampliquoia
- tried different sampling frequencies (48k, 96k)
- tried the 32 channels limit, tried the 1.18 driver instead of the 1.17 (got it from this forum)
- tried an other MADI optical fiber
- installed the card in an other PC (Gigabyte mobo + i5 3570K): same symptoms!

.... but no success. For reference, the other (Gigabyte) PC, runs a good old RME MADI (PCI) card @32 samples without a hicup!

Anything obvious I missed?

Thanks in advance for your help (more specs on request).


MADI FX card sn: 23589637 (as seen from the driver)
Asus p8z68v gen3- i5 2500k- radeon 6670 fanless
Windows 7 64 bit
Samplitude prox suite -  Sequoia v11
Direct Out Andiamo XT optical

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings


Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Power scheme set to High Performance? Did you check DPC latency when the old and the new card is in the computer?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Sequenza 2014-01-30 07:30:46)

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Hello Matthias,

Yes, all PCs run in high performance mode, and yes LatencyMon + DPClat display excellent results with the new or the old card installed.

Anything else I should try?

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings


Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Go to the global tab and switch off 'Multi-client mixing optimized'.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Tried with and without.. same behaviour..

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

And by the way, bluethooth, lan and integrated audio have all been disabled from the bios, so no risk of interference here neither..

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

With Protools 10 (pc)  I can run the card @32 samples without a glitch!
Very surprising as Sampliquoia has ALWAYS been more stable than pt on all my previous RME setups. I'll try Reaper tonight after my mastering session.

Can you reproduce this? Thanks

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings


Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

There have been reports here that this is currently a problem of Sam/Seq, but I hadn't thought about that anymore. That will be the reason, for sure.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Well, are we sure no stone has been left unturned on the hardware side (reference the thread with Sonar x3)? I have been working with Sampliquoia for more than 10 years with many different interfaces without a glitch (including the good old rme madi card). I am not trying to put the blame on the new card, but as Sam never let me down, you understand where I am coming from. So any help is welcome.

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

I've got protools and Samplitude on the same system. Protools runs flawlessly down to 32 samples though usually run at 64. Samplitude is hopeless though I have heard of other folks having no problems with different configurations. It's been like that ever since version 12 or perhaps earlier.

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

I was just reading on the samplitude forum that some one found that dissabling super fetch in win 8 had fixed his problems. Apparently that service is also in Win 7 so could be worth a try.

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Hello Gregmac,
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately disabling superfetch doesn't change a thing..  I am a bit at loss here: on two quite different computers I get exactly the same symptoms, whereas a gentleman on the Samplitude forum who got his card one year ago can go as low as 32 samples without any issues... :-\

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

I have been running Samplitude Prox and MADI FX with no issues even down to 32 samples. I am running a slightly older version, not the latest of SAM. If it is a SAM issue I would think only the new 12.4 is affected.

14 (edited by Sequenza 2014-02-03 23:09:40)

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

Hello KRStudio,

That's encouraging, however I am mostly working with Sequoia V11 which exhibits exactly the same issue than Samplitude ProX V12.4, so I can't conclude this is a V12 only issue...
Just out of interest, which V12 patch are you running?


PS: at the time of writing, Daniel Fuchs from RME & Magix support are jointly working on the issue smile

Sequenza Studios - Acoustic Recordings

15 (edited by KRStudio 2014-04-03 23:23:11)

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

I have not updated the last 2 times. Everything runs so well I don't mess with them. BTW you also know me from the Sam forum as gtrguy1. Hope you get this worked out. I installed the same card for a friend of mine and again no issues. We are both using ASUS MB's.

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

If there are any News, please report in this thread, too.
I'm having the same issues with Sam Pro X and RME Babyface on current drivers (did not have this problem before with old Sam and RME driver versions).

Re: Buffer settings on new Madi FX

any news about this problem? Could you solve it? I'm working with Sam 12.5 and a Hdspe Aio. A buffer under 256 works not solid, causes droputs.
As 256 samples are ok for post, it's slightly too big for realtime-recording
