Topic: Search for follower for Digi9636
Hi, I am an "Oldie" and worked about 10 years with my Digi9636, bought and installed by a friend of mine. This hardware now is "dead" and I am looking for a new hardware in the same range. I am unsure in my decision f.e. whether to buy the 9632 or 9652, because my actual boards have other connections, till today I only worked with stereo jacks for in- and output. I cannot see those in the pictures of the new devices. What kind of connectors are used for audio in and out?
Is it enought to buy only the 9632 board to connect it with my active speakers (out) and with my Yamaha (in)? Or do I have to order addtional extension boards or anything else? Like described, I don't work with more instruments or devices.
Please give me some advice, the lot of technical datas and info are to complex for me - I only want to record via Cubase in a very small way.
Thank you for any help.