Topic: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

hello guys! i have the RME ARC for UFX. i have 2 sets of monitors. i programmed one of the buttons to toggle between my 2 sets of monitors, but the big knob on ARC could only control the volume of my speaker A (main monitors). is it possible to also use it to adjust the volume on speaker B? i hate opening totalmix when i am A/B'ing just to match the levels. hope you can help me. thanks in advance!


Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

Link the two faders. Or program another button to adjust the volume.

Matthias Carstens

Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

thank you so much MC! but the only available commans i see are:
Main Volume
Global Mute
Global Solo
Mute Group 1 to 4 Solo ,Group 1 to 4 ,Fader Group 1 to 4 ,Link Main AB Speaker B ,Select DIM (Main Out) ,Mute (Main Out) ,Mute FX (Main Out) ,Mono (Main Out) ,Talkback
External Input** Reverb**
Cue Phones 1 to 4 ,Snapshot 1 to 8 ,Mic Gain 1 to 2* ,Inst. Gain 3 to 4* ,Volume Phones 1*

i dont see any commands about Volume Speaker B. thanks again and more power!


Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

Correct. You have 'Speaker B Select', which either works already or will work after linking the faders.

Matthias Carstens

Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

I currently use the linking functionality for creating a surround configuration.... It works a treat! :-)

Matt McKenzie-Smith (UFXII, UFX, Babyface) MacStudioUltra OS13.2.1

6 (edited by Randyman... 2014-07-22 23:51:39)

Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

I've requested this before, but is there really no way to have the ARC's "Speaker B" select option ALSO swap the encoder to control the Speaker B volume?

Linking Main & Speaker-B faders is problematic in my setup, and I don't believe my MF-XT even has a "Speaker B Level" option either.  It would make the ARC that much more elegant in my setup.

However, making this use up another button on the limited ARC is also not desirable (and it would likely take a total of 3 buttons: One to select Speaker-B Output, one to select Speaker-B Encoder, and then one to re-select the Main Out Encoder when swapping back to Main Speakers).

Solution?  Basically, the ability to add simple Macro commands to the ARC's buttons and the addition of a few simple commands (like the "Speaker B Level" command) to the configuration menu would allow this to happen via a single ARC Button.

But forcing the Encoder to automatically control Speaker B's volume when Speaker-B is selected would likely be preferred (and makes perfect logical sense IMO).  People that want to keep them linked can, and both levels would match.  Those that prefer discrete level control will have it...

Thanks for any consideration from a loyal RME fan smile

2x SSL Alphalink MADI AX
2x Multiface / 2x Digiface /2x ADI8

Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

Hi, I just joined the RME universe with an HDSPe MADI FX and an M1610. Now I consider getting an ARC USB for some basic volume control. When researching if it actually does what I would want it to do, I came across this thread.

I use the 'Speaker B' functionality for toggling between speakers and headphones, which makes perfect sense in my single person mixing/production setup, rather than using the predetermined 'Phones 1-4' assignments (which would indeed make more sense when e.g. tracking with multiple musicians).

There are many reasons for this:

  • I always want to mute speakers when I put on headphones, and vice versa

  • I want Dim/Recall/Mono functionality to work on the headphones as well

  • I want to feed the same mix to speakers and headphones, so I don't need to synchronize two mixes manually

  • I want to control only the volume of the active device and not mess with the volume of inactive one, so that things stay nice and controlled when switching between devices (that's why linking the faders is not optimal)

Ideally, there would be a 'Volume Main XOR Speaker B' option in the settings menu, that maps the encoder to either the Speaker B or the main volume, depending on whether Speaker B is pressed or not.

Are there any considerations to add this? If not, are there ways to add this myself via MIDI or OSC?


Re: advanced remote control volume for speaker B

This is an outdated thread on a no longer existing product (ARC). The ARC USB moves Main and Speaker B faders separately, unless Link is active.

Matthias Carstens