Topic: DigiFace AVB - MacOS Freezes and Kernel Panic at 96kHz [RESOLVED]
[Update a few days later, read post #12 below]
So, after a few days of testing with a DigiFace AVB and two 12Mic units connected via a Presonus AVB Switch with both Reaper and MaxMSP, I decided to take the samplerate up from 48 to 96 in preparation for some orchestral sessions next week.
Using the RME Controller I first set the DF AVB to 96, then the two 12mics. The 12mics complained that they could longer see any valid input streams to clock from, it seems that changing the SR caused the stream types to change? I reset them to be the same as the DF AVB and sync was restored.
In Reaper, the DF-AVB was selected and caused long pauses in setting this as the audio device.When I tried to play or record, Reaper would not respond. I then tried creating a simple MaxMSP patch with a sinewave routed to the first AVB output. Max froze when I activated its audio engine. Both Reaper and Max needed to be force quit.
The two browser windows running the 12Mic web remotes were complaining of not seeing the 12mic units. Using the Terminal command dns-sd -B _http._tcp . showed no devices on network.
I shutdown the Mac to restart it, but it got stuck just after the screen went blank. ( I could tell the state of Mac as the connected Mouse was still powered/ I waited for a few mins and then disconnected the USB-C cable connected to the DF-AVB. The Mac continued its shutdown process. (Having the DF-AVB seemed to be preventing the shutdown). Eventually I had to CMD-CTRL-POWER force powerdown the Mac.
Rebooting and repeating all the above steps, the exact same issue happened, except at the shutdown phase, after disconnecting the USB-C cable to the DF-AVB, the Mac had a Kernel Panic.
Not very comforting to say the least.
Reverting back to testing at 48k, the system has been up and running for 12hrs overnight recording in Reaper and is also now running an Aggregate Device with the DF-AVB and a UFX II as I need extra outputs for the sessions like Talk-to-stage and some live streaming feeds.
Looking in the reveals many lower level system crashes related to TotalMix and the netifc daemon. Have others managed to have successful implementations of higher samplerates with the DF-AVB?
Thanks, Tony
AVB System:
MacBook Pro - 2020 16" || Big Sur 11.0.1 || Apple USB-C - USB-A Dongle
RME DigiFace AVB: fw v219, d v3.19 || RME AVB Controller: 0.9541 (15) || 2 x 12Mic Units v1.3.0.(69)
Presonus SW5E AVB Switch || Cordial 50m Cat5e Reel || Cordial short Cat5e Patch cables