Topic: RME FIREFACE UCX II Failure in bootloader

Hi everyone, as the subject says, a few weeks ago I got this error as I turned my UCX II(serial 24069514) on before a live show and got:

Failure in bootloader
RAM error detected

Digital I/O were working fine on Totalmix and DAW (with AES) but no audio coming in or out of the analog I/O.

Thanksfully I had a back up, still what bothers me A LOT is:

I've already made 2 tickets with support, non of them got an answer.
Sent an email directly to support and they told me to go directly to my local supplier, which I already did and sent my interface to.

As i've seen in another topic here, I'm not the only one with this problem, and RME Officials said that it CANT be fixed I should get a new one on warranty.
It would be really nice for a directly answer from someone from RME so I could speed up the process with my supplier, as I need to get this fixed ASAP.

Wasn't my intention to make a new topic on something already discussed but since I got no official answer ANYWHERE here I am.

Hopefully someone from RME can give me any answers here.

2 (edited by fieldstu 2022-09-14 20:05:47)

Re: RME FIREFACE UCX II Failure in bootloader

To me it looks RME will repair the unit when it gets sent to RME via your dealer or distributor.

This info is above your other post in

ADI2, Digiface, ARC

Re: RME FIREFACE UCX II Failure in bootloader

fieldstu wrote:

To me it looks like you have gotten an answer 31 aug.

As far as I can see, the last post on that topic its mine. Am I missing something?

Re: RME FIREFACE UCX II Failure in bootloader

read the edited post

ADI2, Digiface, ARC