Topic: Functional differences between Fireface UFX II hardware revisions

The manual (fface_ufx2_e.pdf, version 2.1 from Jan 2024) says this on page 125:

This manual describes the Fireface UFX II hardware revision 7. Some of the described features and functions are not available in earlier revisions.

I seem to have Rev E so I wonder what those unavailable features are.

UFX II Rev E + 2021 M1 Max MacBook Pro (macOS 13; driver 3.31; kernel extension = rock solid)

2 (edited by ramses 2024-01-22 17:51:51)

Re: Functional differences between Fireface UFX II hardware revisions

Most likely new features which came with the UFX III (vs UFX+). … 50#p212750 … 86#p210986 … 08#p210108 … 62#p210062 … 99#p203899

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Functional differences between Fireface UFX II hardware revisions

Thank you for the clarification!

To be clear, I'm very happy with the revision I bought in early 2022 with the feature set available then. This is more a matter of curiosity and slight confusion as the new manual is for an ever-so-slightly different product than the one I have, while the model name is still the same. Given that the product is available since 2017, I expect more people will have the same question.

FWIW, I see Room EQ in TotalMix when I connect my UFX II Rev E and it seems to work.

From the links you posted, it's clear that SteadyClock FS is indeed an improvement available from Rev 7 onwards.

UFX II Rev E + 2021 M1 Max MacBook Pro (macOS 13; driver 3.31; kernel extension = rock solid)