Topic: Fireface 802 class compliant mode

Hello everyone

I have installed another PC machine AVlinux operating system. Mainly I've been using Windows 10, which is still in use. I would now like to test how 802 works with this Linux. If I put 802 in class compliant mode, are all inputs and outputs available? For example, can I use an ipad to control totalmixfx at the same time. If not, how can I set headphone mixes to other outputs, for example. Apparently Directly from DAW.

Of course, direct Linuxt support would be desirable. But while waiting for it.

Re: Fireface 802 class compliant mode

No. It's a hell.

Re: Fireface 802 class compliant mode

I would now like to test how 802 works with this Linux.

Didn't you already test it? You provided the descriptors for oscmix and it seemed you are already using the 802 with linux?

Can I use an ipad to control totalmixfx at the same time.

You can answer this Question by yourself. How should this work? Plugging one device to 2 Hosts, as it has one USB Port...?

I do not understand your other questions, aswell...

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

4 (edited by sjzstudio 2024-05-13 13:46:17)

Re: Fireface 802 class compliant mode

That's a 4 year old old question. I have since acquired a UFX+ device and am now using it. 802 is on the edge of the table waiting for better times. If they happen to come. Sometimes I thought of giving it to a driver developer, but shipping to the other side of the world is quite expensive.

The idea was to use it at home, but now I use a Behringer small usb device at home.

I'm also switching to Ubuntustudio. Because many things work easier in that environment and many audio plugins have started to use it as a reference system. So Ubuntu. Therefore, it might make sense to direct development resources to support Ubuntu. That seems like a good enough option. That is, if RME eventually ends up supporting Linux. Of course, I know there are a million other opinions on this.

Re: Fireface 802 class compliant mode

I am sorry, sjzstudio. I should better look for the date!

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard