Regarding "up to RME to fix the issue". Some problems are machine or installation specific, which only show up on certain computers or installations. It seems that only a few people have this issue. This makes it much harder if not impossible to find any issue.
I would try to find out if there is a certain sequence of steps that reliably triggers the issue because it might allow RME to recreate and fix something.
1. I would always use the optional Power Supply to exclude any issue caused by USB power.
2. If possible, I would connect the BBF Pro directly to the computer/laptop and the other devices via hub.
2. I would make a backup of Windows installation with Macrium Reflect Home to have a disk image to which you can always come back if needed. Do not forget to save data separately on your Boot drive c: and in your Windows profile before restoring such a disk image of the boot disk.
If it is known how often the issue usually occurs, then I would try to find out if it really has to do with sleep and turn it off in the power settings first. Then observe this for a couple of days.
Shutting down the computer properly and restarting is not such a big deal if you make a longer break.
Windows Super fetch and the preloading of drivers and frequently used programs enable a quick start nowadays.
If the energy consumption is too high for you when you are not doing anything on the PC, then simply install the Process Lasso Pro. It offers the IDLE saver feature to automatically activate the energy-saving profile after a configurable time interval and reactivate the standard energy profile you have defined as soon as you are back at the computer.
Additionally, you can also configure Energy Profile per application, if the DAW needs a special Energy Profile.
If you do not want to purchase it, then set it manually or use 8GadgetPack and use a Gadget for it.
Or simply leave it as it is.
I would then check whether Superfetch is connected to your problems. I remember cases in the past where it solved problems when drivers and programs were restarted and initialized “cleanly” every time the computer was started. I also remember something like a "recommendation" to disable it for recording applications.
Do not change too many things at once, otherwise you don't know afterward, what solved the issue.
Another idea: get a 2nd disk internal or USB3 disk (best SSD) and perform a clean / vanilla installation of Windows with a minimum set of drivers and without any tools from mainboard manufacturer for things like blower control or BIOS and driver updates. These tools are often bad programmed and impact DPC latency and performance negatively.
By this, you can find out, whether the issue persists after a clean installation.
I have in my system always a 2nd SSD installed to be able to perform a clean installation and dual boot at any time for such purposes.
Another option: send the BBF Pro in for service and look whether RME can find something. Pre-align about costs with RME support via e-mail. I think if there is an error, this will be free of charge. If RME has efforts but can't find anything then it might cost something. Align with them on that.
Either you do this directly or you want to spend some work on your own upfront first, see my suggestions above.
EDIT: especially preinstallations from Laptop vendors are often only of poor quality. A vanilla Windows installation often helps in many ways.
Additional ideas:
- do you have another computer near to try the Babyface on a different system?
- do you have a vendor near which is experienced in building computer systems for audio processing?
Maybe they can check the BBF Pro on one of their devices or loan you a system for a week.
Then you can find out whether the BBF Pro runs on another system which is "proven" in terms of audio processing.
If the error does not show up then, then the issue is very much likely related to your system.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14