1 (edited by lebarde Yesterday 10:26:13)

Topic: Raydat + 9652 issue

Hi there,

I'm having an issue that I would need some help for.
I've upgraded computer & soundcard with RME Raydat a while back, all working great.
I still had my old 9652 PCI (not PCIe) and figured out it could be working together with my system to increase my I/O capacity.
Used a PCI to PCIe adapter, and it actually works great, both cards are recognized well and all seems to be good to go.
ADAT I/O's all good, wordclock all good, but the SPDIF of the 9652 doesn't seem to work.
If I plug the same breakout cable to the Raydat, all is green, but connected to the 9652, no sync and no data is going through.

I know it's a bit of an odd setup, but rather than buying new products, if old ones can still work I'm keen to do so.
Tried to fiddle around with the settings, but nothing seems to work here.

Is there anything I should know, is there any hardware limitation or something I'm doing wrong here.

All drivers up to date, and really tried to switch from one card to another with the exact same cables and breakout adapter. On one it will totally work and on the other not at all.

Thanks for your help

2 (edited by waedi Yesterday 00:28:48)

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

This is the breakout cable for the 9652 card :


And this is the breakout cable for the RayDat


Not the same cable, I guess this is the reason for your issue.
The RayDat has AES outputs, the other card has not.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

I'd love it to be just a breakout cable adjustment !
Thanks for your input

I have a DIY sub-D connector here, I'd just need to know the exact pinout to try it out.
This same DIY connector was used on another old RME product and it was working great for the SPDIF connexion, I wonder if any connexion has changed here and would need to know the SPDIF / sub-d connector pinout if that would do the trick

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Yes the pinout of the 9652 is different. I have 9652 and 9632 and the breakout cables are not interchangeable.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Great to know that it should work with the right cable.
Could anyone please give me the correct pinout for the 9652 please smile ?

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Sorry, my bad, a google search found that answer from another topic.

Re: Pin out for SPDIF cable?
D-sub       Signal
1             SPDIF Out -
2             n.c.
3             ADAT Sync Clk In +
4             ADAT Sync TC In +
5             SPDIF In -
6             SPDIF Out +
7             ADAT Sync Clk In -
8             ADAT Sync TC In -
9             SPDIF In +

I'll try this asap... thanks for your help!

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

All perfectly working now... so nice that RME made the HDSP cards stackable, thumbs up!

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

That was fast!
Have fun.
Oh what PCIe to PCI adapter are you using?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

9 (edited by lebarde Yesterday 16:01:26)

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

After doing all my setup change and wanting to start using it, I came across an unpleasant issue.

All looking good in totalmix
All looking good in the DAWs (Cubase or Ableton), they show me all the inputs and outputs perfectly.
But when I activate any I/O from the 9652, things don't work as they should.

It seems that when the 9652 is in use, the DAW doesn't pass any sound through the Raydat anymore.
Same issue with both softwares, a bit different reactions, but quite similar.

When trying to do some routings through the 9652, the sound shows well on totalmix (the page of the 9652) and it goes through the gears they are attached to, but the Raydat doesn't pass the Software Playback through anymore. I don't really know what's the issue yet.

I really hope there is a way to have it to work !!

This is the PCI to PCIe adapter I bought a little while back
https://www.digitec.ch/fr/s1/product/st … ier=406802

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Made 2 short videos to show the issue better, that could be more clear :
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1If0zQ … p=drive_fs
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ImLdp … p=drive_fs

Thanks for your help!

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Are those two cards synced via a cable digital ? It has to. check Settings.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

they are synched via wordclock with a bnc cable.
Settings page shows everything synched

13 (edited by waedi Yesterday 16:38:13)

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Did you install different drivers ?
Both cards should use the same driver.
What is the device manager telling ?
Are both cards active ? With what driver ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

14 (edited by lebarde Yesterday 16:50:52)

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Just did a fresh install of the driver downloaded from the website when I had the SPDIF issues yesterday.
(and firmware update)
Device manager shows same drivers for both cards and are active (I mean they show well, they appear in totalmix and show all the I/O in the DAWs)

Driver date : 18.10.2024
Version :

On both cards the same

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Have both cards set WDM device number to zero ? Just in case Windows is doing some mess.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

16 (edited by lebarde Yesterday 17:26:01)

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

Good call Sir !

There were 3 WDM devices on the Raydat, 0 on the 9652.. and that seems to work.. I need to test a bit further.

Now, I do still need windows sound somehow big_smile
But something to explore here for sure... I'll keep testing.

Thanks a lot for your help already !!

Re: Raydat + 9652 issue

It's going much much better now.. I wasn't too optimistic a few hours ago.

I could reactivate the main windows WDM device and it still works, I guess maybe one of the other I had in use were doing something funny here. I am using those other WDM channels specifically though, but I'll see how to reconfigure them if they interfere with a normal use of ASIO.

now it seems that I have a lot of extra latency when using the 9652, but I'll take a bit more time to fully test, as it comes on and off.

Thank you very much for your time and help, and to RME in general, you rock!